Thank you for helping Pierce and Ethan!
Hello! My name is Brit and I am setting up a Go Fund Me page to help Ben Warner's sons, Pierce, 24 and Ethan, 18, with the immediate expenses of burying their father and setting up a place for them to establish a new home. They cannot stay in their home and are living with us, their grandparents, until they can take care of their father's remains and establish a new home for themselves. We are both retired and are on fixed incomes so we cannot cover their complete needs. Ben's sudden death and no life insurance has left the boys little choice, through no one's fault. We are asking for help, if you can and are called to do so. The out pouring of love and support for the boys and our family have been overwhelming and we are most grateful. Pierce and Ethan have much facing them in their young lives and are now without their father who has cared for them for the past 9 years by himself. Thank you for considering to help, your love, and prayers...