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Please Help save my 26 year old sisters life!!!

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My sister Megan raise money for her life saving treatment in America.

In January 2019, my 24-year-old sister devastatingly got diagnosed with an advanced Stage 4 Rectal Cancer. Sadly, after a long 6 months of trips to the GP leading up to this diagnosis my sister was misdiagnosed with Crohn’s disease and Haemorrhoids. Rectal cancer in young patients only occurs in 0.2% that is 290 cases out of 145,000 people diagnosed. Megan unfortunately has a rare type of mutation (KRASG12V) that only occurs in 8% of all rectal cancer patients. This is a highly aggressive and fast spreading cancer.

Megan has exhausted all her options with treatment within the UK. She has done first line standard regime and second line standard regime which has impacted her greatly. Her cancer has still progressed after these chemotherapies. With this being said, Megan has beat all odds and is still here fighting 2 years on. She has amazed medical professionals with her fighting spirit and determination.

WE HAVE A GLIMMER OF HOPE… after endless research and meetings, we have found a drug in America that could work on Megan’s type of mutation. It is being used in clinical trials at the moment and has been fast tracked by the FDA for approval. It has had some extremely promising results!!! With 75% of patients responding well on the trial. The youngest patient on the trial was 37. Megan is fit, young and strong. We have been in touch with leading oncologists in Los Angeles. We reached out to them a number of times and even though she doesn't meet the criteria for the clinical trial, due to having more than one line of treatment, the Oncologist in America has agreed to give Megan the drug she needs on compassionate care!! She desperately needs this drug to save her life and give her the best chance of survival.

Thankfully Megan’s oncologist here in the UK has been so helpful and is willing to send her to America for this treatment because he knows this is her best option. Unfortunately, we have to fund all the expenses for her to have access to these drugs. This is going to be costly but how can we put a price on her life? Megan is determined to be here and live the life she deserves.

Megan never moans and is always happy regardless of her current situation. She always helping others and tries to give back so much to everyone that continues to support her. She has recently gone back to work after having 2 years of trauma to try and fund some of the treatment. This is make or break for my sister, and my family is desperate for your help. Cancer has really tested all our strength.

My sister has been referred to the Keek Medical centre in Los Angeles. We understand it is trying times for most people during this crazy period. We want to live with no regrets and do everything within our power to help save our sister's life.

If you all could please share and possibly donate anything you may have we would be forever grateful. Time is everything with Megan right now and we need to act fast to get her to America for this life saving treatment. We as a family thank you all in advance. xxxxxxx

ALL the money we are raising will go towards costs of medical insurance, flights, accommodation, all drugs needed and scans.

If there are any businesses that would like to show their support by becoming part of a sponsorship please reach out.



  • Ian Moore
    • £40
    • 2 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • £42
    • 2 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • £42
    • 2 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • £30
    • 3 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • £38
    • 3 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Peter Smith
Megan Smith

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