Please help save our baby Mayble from FIP ❤️
Hi everyone, it breaks my heart to announce that our 6 month old sweet little fur ball Mayble needs your help. A few days ago Mayble spiked a 104.7 temp and became extremely lethargic. We rushed her to the vet who ran some tests which came back with raised immunoglobulin. After many rule out tests we got a diagnosis of Neuro FIP. Our hearts were broken. Until recently FIP was a fatal disease but with the research of some amazing doctors they’ve found a cure with an 80-90% success rate!
After just two injections, Mayble is better than ever. She’s eating, running around, and playing with her favorite toys again!
With that being said, the injections for our sweet Mayble are extremely expensive (currently $280 a week) It’s a 12 week course, it has shown a lot of success and with your help our baby can beat this nasty disease.
Even a donation of $1 will cover the cost of a needle to give her her medicine so every dollar helps ❤️
The following is my PayPal if you’d like to donate there instead, as go fund me does take a percentage:
The following is an article further explaining FIP: