Please Help Shmuel Heal IY”H
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In March of 2022 Shmuel awoke one morning to discover that his left eye would not open. After a trip to the hospital and extensive testing, he was diagnosed with third cranial nerve palsy incomplete and sent home. Shmuel tried his best to carry on with his daily life, but things had gotten more challenging. Then, 3 months later on June 15th, Shmuel’s life changed dramatically. While on a trip to Boca Raton, FL (just a few hours before the party planned to celebrate his recent engagement) he suffered a massive stroke. He was rushed to Boca Raton Regional Hospital via ambulance. A brain scan confirmed that this was in fact his second stroke. Shmuel remained in the hospital for 3 weeks and was transferred by Hatzalah Air to Kessler Rehabilitation Facility in NJ. After 3 and a half weeks of intensive inpatient therapy, he went back home to live with his parents in Cleveland, Ohio. In September, he returned to the hospital in Cleveland for a week.
Shmuel is currently doing the basic out-patient therapies that his state-issued insurance will cover, but unfortunately this minimal amount of conventional rehabilitation is not producing significant results. Shmuel is the father of 7 ka”h, a son, brother, friend, fiancé, and member of his community. He wants nothing more than to return to all of those roles (especially the one of Tatty) with full capability and vigor. With help from Above there is SO much more that can be done to try to improve his situation iy”H. Shmuel would love to work with a holistic nutritionist, see a functional neurologist, begin a targeted supplement regimen, and try light therapy. In addition to seeing his traditional, in-network providers, Shmuel would also like to explore chiropractic treatment, massage therapy, visual/neuro-optometric rehabilitation, aquatic therapy, yoga, and more.
All of these out-of-pocket expenses that his Medicaid won’t cover are simply unattainable without proper funding.
Shmuel just wants to heal, be well, and get back to being the hard-working, giving, and capable father that he used to be. At this time, Shmuel is unable to work due to the deficits caused by the strokes, and his disability payments are still pending. Let’s act with zrizus to help this kind, gentle, and AMAZING neshama optimize his health and get onto a path of meaningful recovery iy”H!
Please give whatever you can—any amount is greatly appreciated. Absolutely every penny will go towards this huge mitzva of supporting a fellow Yid to get stronger so that he will not need to be dependent on others. As it is written, “And Israel will be redeemed solely through charity as it says (Yeshaya 1:27) ‘Zion will be redeemed through judgment and those who return to her through charity.’ ”… Rambam Hilchot Matanot Aniyim 10:1
Please keep Shmuel Heshel ben Chanah Devorah in your tefillos for a refuah shelayma b’karov.
Thank you and tizku l’mitzvos!
Shmuel Rubin
Cleveland, OH