Making Our Comeback Stronger Than Our Setback!
Dear Friends of The Pony Express,
The nightmare that was the Glass Fire got real for us on September 27th, taking our ranch by firestorm and leaving little left behind. Though the loss was great, the take away has given us much to be grateful, thankful, and hopeful for.
We are eternally grateful to our angel in heaven Brian Elliott. May he rest in peace knowing that his fire plan successfully created a safe haven for our horses at our ranch when they needed it the most.
We are forever grateful to our community for helping us survive and thrive in our time of need. After that fate-filled night we became instantly dependent on the kindness and generosity of our hometown herd, and you did not disappoint. The outpouring of love and support wrapped around us like a warm blanket on the coldest of nights. We could not have made it this far without you.
We are beyond thankful for our friends near and far. World renowned cowboy, clinician, and horse and human humanitarian, Buck Brannaman did not hesitate to reach back when we reached out. Throwing us a much needed life line, Buck dallied to our rescue.
Please watch our new video- Horses, Fires, & Friends. As Buck says, " the money comes when you're doing good things." We are dedicated to helping make good things happen for both horses and humans. What began as tragedy we hope will end in triumph as we work diligently to bring The Pony Express Ranch back to life for the many horses and humans who call it home.