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YOU DID IT LIKE LIGHTNING!!!!!!! I posted this in terror and I can't believe the community I've got here. xoxoxo.
I am going to leave this up a little longer so I can also pay for internet and stuff because that's all behind as well.
Today I was laid off from my job. Yesterday I received an excellent performance review and felt confident I'd be kept on for the winter. Initially hired for just the summer, I was one of their best performers so they kept me on. That being said, it has been paycheck-to-paycheck and I have been falling behind between regular bills and my medical bills. My job search has yielded nothing, nada, some resumes rejected in under 5 minutes -- jobs I am well qualified for.
Then just now, a visit from someone from the property management company to give me a heads-up they will be moving forward with eviction proceedings this coming week because I have been late for so many months. I do not have October rent, nor do I have November's. Already pawned all my jewelry. I have no money, nowhere to go. It's an oncoming train I am powerless to stop.
My final paycheck will be for just one day and will not be here for 2 weeks. It will be a few weeks before I can get UI benefits and they will not even begin to cover my bills.
I am agonized to ask for help from my friends who live in my phone but Tallulah and I will be homeless without you.
If anyone wants to bypass this platform and zelle me directly please dm. If you can only help by boosting this, that is loads of help.
Bethann I
New Bedford, MA