Please help the Beal family with medical bills
My sister-in-law Carey has been diagnosed with cancer. This has been awful for the whole family. She now needs surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Because of the type of cancer it can only be treated in Boston. They live in Downeast Maine.
My brother Daren and wife Carey have always had the biggest heart. They give the shirt off their back for anyone. They would both kill me if they knew I was doing this for them. Well, too bad. I’m doing it anyway because I know they are going to need support. A lot of it.
My brother is a self employed plumbing and heating contractor. He works hard to do so much for so many people. Carey has had a bad hip for a couple years, and has greatly limited how much she can work. Now this. For my big brother, lots of missed work and expensive trips to Boston to support his wife who is so scared and sad. Travel, medical and pharmaceutical expenses are quickly taking their toll. Not to mention all the missed work. I am a self employed contractor myself and I know there is no such thing as paid time off.
If you can find it in your heart to help my brother and sister, the expenses are astronomical. Please donate anything you can.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity. Please pray for my brother and sister that they can get through this terrible disease.