Please Help The Elkins Family
Hi my name is Miranda Walz and I'm the niece of Steve and Jolene Elkins, and cousin to all their beautiful children.
As if Covid-19 hasn't already taken enough from us this past year, it is with a heavy heart that I'm making a request for help for my uncle Steve, who is currently in stage four cancer. As you can imagine, it has taken a heavy toll on the family financially, as my aunt Jolene (JoJo) has had to take a lot of time off work, to care for my uncle.
Hospice has entered the picture, and is now able to help with pain management, but financially the family has been severely set back, as pain meds are $40 a day, the trips to the hospital, the co-pay's, the meds, and the severe loss of wages.
Those of you who know my uncle Steve, know that if anybody ever needed help he was one of the first to feed you, give you a job, or just help you out with a bill. I think everybody that knows him, will always remember him by his caring personality, and his unusual laugh, aka snorting. He will always have a joke for you, whether appropriate or not, but he will definitely make you laugh.
My uncle Steve has been worried about the financial welfare of his family, as he knows they will need ample amount of time to grieve, and still have upcoming medical bills, and then funeral expenses. I've set up this fund, so that everyone who has ever loved, or been helped out by Steve Elkins, can contribute whatever their circumstances allow. I've set a goal for $10,000, and I hope that we can achieve this in time for my uncle Steve to be assured his wife and daughter (who is still young and at home) will not be stressed with a financial burden, in addition too grieving for him.
Please repost this video with whatever social media platform that you have, as well as sending the link in emails, and text messages to anyone you know that knows Steve Elkins.
Thank you so much for your love and generosity!