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Help the McCook Family after a tragic house fire

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On 25th September a fire broke out in my sister in laws home, causing herself, her husband and 3 boys to loose all their belongings, they also lost their beloved family pet Alfie. With number 4 on the way, I want to ask the community to help this family in their time of need and take some stress away from them and allow them time to grieve their Alfie and support each other in this hard time. Funds will be going directly to Stephanie and Brent to help with housing and replacing much needed belongings to furnish a house and baby items

We as a family are just so thankful Stephanie, Brent, the boys and baby are okay, but we do not want them to have to worry about money in this tragic time❤️

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (2)

Ellen Devenney-Adams
Lee Adams
Team member

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