Quiroz family needs our help
My name is Angie Morgan, a very close friend of the Quiroz family. Ruben is in need of our prayers and his family needs our help. Ruben has cancer and has been unable to return to work. He is undergoing treatment and has a long road ahead. We all want to try and make this time as stress free as we possibly can for them. Patti works her tail off daily and is running around to try and be everything to everybody. But she needs to be by Ruben's side right now. This family has been through so much over the years yet they still hold their heads high and the glass is always half full. Truly the greatest family I've ever known. Please keep them all in your prayers. It is so hard for them to ask for help. They are very prideful. But family and friends do these things for each other. Thank you so much for all of your support for Ruben, Patti and the girls. Your support and love means everything to them.