Please help Tito!!!
Tito (my 8 year old chihuahua baby) took a leap from the furniture and hit his jaw off the floor over the weekend (March 14th). We brought him to emergency and they did X-Rays and discovered he had fractured his jaw. They told us they would not be able to operate as his jaw bone is too thin due to age and tooth decay and that it must get better on its own. All of our hope is focused on that right now as we hope for a recovery and he spends time in a vet receiving treatment. He requires a feeding tube and medicine at the moment at a local clinic and will have to return in the night to an emergency overnight clinic to be cared for there.
Unfortunately, it is costly to keep him at the hospital and transfer him back and forth from there to the vet. Already, we have over 2000 dollars in bills and our nightmare isn’t quite over yet. We are reaching out for any donations you can give because anything is helpful at a time like this. We also ask you keep him in your thoughts and prayers as we fight this battle.
Tito is strong & resilient, so we know we can pull through. We thank you so much for your help ❤️