Support my 50 km walk to save Amos' life!
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I am Lyndsay and about 10 years ago I went to Freetown, Sierra Leone to help on a project for homeless young people. I made a friend called Amos, who lived at the project. We have been in touch ever since my trip. Amos is now in a desperate situation. He has serious kidney disease and is in urgent need of hospital treatment to stabilise his condition and then only a kidney transplant will save his life. There is no NHS in Sierra Leone. All medical treatment needs to be paid for. There isn't the skill or infrastructure to perform a kidney transplant in Sierra Leone. Amos has a friend willing to donate a kidney. He has been advised by the consultant treating him that in order to save his life he will need to go to India for the surgery. I and others are trying to raise the funds for the hospital treatment and the transplant in India. I will be understanding a walking challenge to raise money. On 20th March I will attempt to walk 50 km! Maybe you could sponsor me an amount per kilometer?
Amos is a beautiful human, full of laughter and endless support for friends or strangers. He is fighting to stay alive with stage 5 kidney failure and his friends and family have run out of options to gather enough funds to support him. He is too unwell to work and he now has no funds. Please could you support me in getting Amos to India to save his life. Thank you for any amount you can give and thank you for reading this. Lyndsay
Even a donation as small as £10 would help!

Lyndsay Barnett