**POOR LITTLE LUNA- ** she has already lost one eye, but on Saturday afternoon, she was raced to Emergency over her other eye.
A specialist (Optomologist) has been called in to try and save the eye that the other vet said would be lost (He has travelled from Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast to complete the surgery. Luna is one of the puppies that was saved from being drowned by the backyard breeder, and now this.
Thankfully, Precious Paws Animal Rescue INC. agreed to call the specialist to save the eye - even though they have been quoted $6000 - $8000. The vets have now agreed to cap her vet work at $6,500
This poor little 16 week old pup has endured so much and to be blind at such a young age is horrible. Whilst the total cost is $6500 with no guarantees (but the odds are in her favour), we hope to raise at least half the cost of her surgery to help. Rescue Groups don't have endless money to allocate in instances such as this one, BUT Precious Paws are committed to giving Little Luna every chance at a wonderful life.
On Saturday, the vet's managed to save her eye, albeit the eye is a little cloudy! The optomologist went back up again on Monday morning, and now it's more of a waiting game - up from Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast. His assessment is that the eye is still cloudy, but her White Blood Cells are quite good, so infection issues are low at this stage
Words from the Optomologist after his visit yesterday -
'I will be happy once Luna's eyes are good. I am worried about her low tear levels and how the graft is going to 'take', but she's 'on the ball park' at this stage. Time will tell about everything else.
She has a long way to go - Every dollar helps no matter how small or big it is much appreciated
Tracie Kachel
Tamborine, QLD
Precious Paws Animal Rescue Inc.