Please help us get our baby Home.
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Hello my name is stashaun and I’m fundraising for my baby who was born at 23 weeks weighing 1 pound1.1 oz. I came to California to help with my grandmothers funeral arrangements, my water broke at 22 weeks I was admitted to labor and delivery and was told I needed to stay admitted til my due date (September 7th 2023), dad and I was told all the possibilities and given options, we went with our heart to keep my baby giving him a chance at life. I ended up having my son on my birthday making him even more special, we traveled here with our other 4 children and it has been a very emotional roller coaster for all of us not being able to be together. My social worker at the hospital has helped us find temporary housing while where here but it’s a hour drive from where my baby is and makes it very hard for us to be there as often as we need. We’ve maxed out our credit cards for transportation and still paying bills and rent in Texas. My social worker and doctors have been reaching out to Texas woman’s to see if there’s anyway we can transport baby to Texas so that it’s less stressful and closer to home, but Texas women came up with an answer that my insurance wouldn’t cover the airlift to get him home. The hospital my son is at has told me they can help cover some of the trip cost I would need to come up with the rest, so I’m here asking for help with rest of the cost of the trip for my baby to get home, he’s almost 4 months old his siblings haven’t met him yet. My family have been stuck in California for 3 1/2 months rotating the same 7 outfits. Can someone please help us get our baby home anything will help. My kids birthdays are coming October, December, January and February I just want to be home with my children.
Stashaun Lewis
Oakland, CA