Our beautiful friend is battling cancer for the second time. She was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer at the age of 43 and had one breast removed. Surviving that was the hardest thing she had done in her life. She felt like she had beat the big C and that she could try and rebuild her life. But three years later she would find out, after having years of clean scans, that her breast cancer had matastasized into her liver and she is now battling stage 4 cancer. If you know Kerry McReynolds, you know she has always worked and made her own way in the world. I know there are a lot of campaigns asking for donations, and you may not think this is the worst story of all, but this is a person who literally shines light on everyone she meets. She never wants people to feel sorry for her or treat her like a "sick" person, and keeps an upbeat attitude at all times. (At least in public) But she also realizes the reality of her situation and knows that she must make every day count. The cost of her past and future medical bills has created a huge financial hardship for her. The money we are asking for will help her to stay in her home by paying her rent and basic living expenses. It will also help with meds, which are very expensive. This is a drop in the bucket of what it costs to have a life threatening disease. She is back to work doing the best she can to support herself and deal with the daily challenges and FEARS that stage 4 cancer brings, but it is not enough. She would never ask for help so we are doing it for her. If everyone reading this even donated the cost of a cup of coffee at Starbucks it wouldn't set you back much, and you would be helping someone who really needs it. Life is so unfair sometimes that we need to step in and tip the scales in the other direction. Every moment on this Earth is precious and so is Kerry, so help us help her!