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An update on Mylo

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A huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone who kindly donated and supported us as we fought to ensure that Mylo had the best possible care and was given a chance of survival.

We are delighted to update that thanks to your help and the expert care of the incredible specialist team at Dick Whites in Cambridge, Mylo is now comfortable at home - his condition is under control currently due to the immuno suppressant drugs which are keeping him well. His anaemia is recovered and his platelet count is back to normal. There is a 30% chance of relapse as the drugs are reduced but we’re staying positive that Mylo isn’t one of these.

The vet bills ran up to almost £7K (and insurance only covered £2K of this) and his medicine costs over £170 each month to keep him well. We cannot stress enough how grateful we are to each and every one of you for your help and messages of support.

Mylo is not just a dog, he’s our family and a special soul and having him here by our side still amidst the rest of the changes happening around us is priceless. Thank you



  • Soophia Foroughi
    • £10
    • 6 d
  • Ruth Kent
    • £5
    • 13 d
  • Jan Mackness
    • £20
    • 14 d
  • Carol Jackman
    • £5
    • 16 d
  • Nicola Baker-Jones
    • £10
    • 16 d


Kay Smith

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