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Please help with Luke Obrien’s medical expenses.

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Around 2:00am this morning, my husband, Luke, went to investigate a grinding noise he had heard outside, but once he made it the driveway he was attacked by two males who used a grinding wheel to cut his face, slicing him from his ear to his chin. The attackers quickly fled in a silver/gray car. Luke was quickly brought to Milford hospital where he was shortly transferred to Yale trauma center where he underwent an emergency CT Scan and ultimately receiving 300 sutures to close his wound. We later found out that the grinding noise was from the attackers trying to remove the catalytic converter from our neighbor’s car. Luke has such a big heart and it saddens me to know that he was attacked because he wanted to check what was going on outside and to make sure we all were safe. With his injury, Luke will be out of work for at least 8 weeks and then will have to go through rehab for an unknown amount of time, this leaves us at a loss of significant income. We are asking for donations to help cover medical & living expenses while He recovers. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

If you have any information that can lead to the arrest of his attackers please call Milford police.

- Linda Drury


  • Melissa Mas
    • 25 $
    • 3 años
  • Anónimo
    • 20 $
    • 3 años
    • 20 $
    • 3 años
  • Anthony DeFelice
    • 20 $
    • 3 años
  • Anónimo
    • 20 $
    • 3 años


Linda Drury
Milford, CT

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