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Please help with medical for Ella and Jackson

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Dear Friends,
We are reaching out to let you know what we are kicking off a campaign to help Ella, Jackson and their family during their recovery from this tragic accident.

Who are we to the family? We are Ella and Jackson's Aunt LaMinda and Uncle Wayne Limb. We have been by there side during this whole thing trying to help anyway we can. This is the next step. Lacey will face many medical bills during this time. We just want to help make this as easy as we can for her.

You may have heard it from the family, friends or through the local news agencies that Ella and Jackson were both involved in an AutoPedestrian accident that occurred on the morning of September 20th, 2021. Ella and Jackson were on their way to school that morning. Normally it is a short walk to school, however on this day as they were crossing at the cross walk, an impaired speeding driver ran into them mid crosswalk.

Prior to the accident, Ella had lifted her little brother up on to her shoulders for the walk to school. Doing so she had unknowingly saved her little brothers life that morning. Ella took the main force of the impact, leaving her unconscious in the middle of the road. Jackson was launched through the vehicle’s windshield landing in the front passenger seat.

Ella sustained fractures to her left knee and tibia, a torn ACL and MCL, she also sustained a broken finger and major bruising and road rash along her whole body including her head and face. Jackson sustained a broken clavicle, orbital fracture, and maxillary sinus fracture. He had cuts from the glass and had to receive stitches to close a large wound on his hand.

It was a miracle that both children escaped this tragedy with their lives. And we would like to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, as this could have had a more tragic ending. Both children will have a long road to recovery through surgeries, healing and physical and mental therapy.

For those of you who would like to help and donate we have setup this GoFundMe campaign to give our support to them and their family to get through this rough time. If you personally know the family, you can also reach out to see if there are other ways that might help.

If you prefer Venmo please donate to @Lacey-Kelsey (last four of the phone is 4173).

Thank you all and God bless.


In dieser Kampagne werden Spenden über eine andere Plattform erwähnt, bitte beachte jedoch, dass nur Spenden über GoFundMe durch die GoFundMe-Spendengarantie geschützt sind.



  • Harker Jacob
    • $60
    • 3 yrs
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    • $5
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    • $50
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  • Trevor Harding
    • $20
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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

LaMinda Limb
West Jordan, UT
Lacey Kelsey

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