Please save Avocado
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Hi I am Mandy and my sister is simmy. We do hope you can help us with this little guys future. In the past 3 months we've been getting visits from a little teenage stray cat. When he first started to come round he was really scrawny, had lil bloody cuts here and there from cat fights. He seems like the runt of the litter, due to his size and feebleness. At the begining we thought he may be someone's cat, but we put up posters, knocked on doors and social media shout outs but noone claimed him.
We already have a resident cat and and we also already have a lot on our plate due to a disabled mother. We didn't think we could help the lil guy. But everytime he looked at us with his doe eyes I felt sad so I would try and feed him where I could. Eventually he became the friendly cat that would always sit on our door mat just waiting for someone to feed him or pet him.
We named him avocado.
However in the last three days he turned up to the house with a severely bloody eye, we think he got into a bad cat fight. His iris is completely cloudy and he can barely open his eye. We fear he may have lost his eye. We know it's infected now due to the smell emitting. We know if he doesn't get urgent vet treatment not only will he lose his eye he may not survive.
However we are carers for my disabled mother and pandem has hit us hard, we want to try help this lil guy. We know if surgery is needed it's going to be a big bill for a stray cat. We've done a little research and other than surrendering him to a rescue centre (which are all full) a vet is likely to euphanise him. We know some vets believe a cat with no sight is no life at all. But even if he has lost his sight we don't think that's a good enough reason to put him down. He will likely need to become an indoor cat if he has gone blind. If I can get him the right treatment we are willing to adopt him. But we can't do that without him being seen to urgently.
So any lil help would help me and avocado, especially avocado. He is a bright and friendly cat and he deserves a chance in life.
We are happy to share updates as we go.
Mandy Kaur