Please share, send to lawyers or donate 1$
Hello my name is Tyesha Renee and on Tuesday June 23rd 2020, at Walmart in Stockton California on hammer lane, l was racial profiled against and harrassed and attacked by a Walmart associate in Stockton, CA. I was ringing up my items in self check out, and the lady approached me and asked if I rung up my items, I showed her on the screen I rung them up. She then came back and told me it was 20 items or less, I explained to her that someone announced self check out was taking 40 items or less. She then proceeds to stand over me, closer then the 6ft that the CDC recommended, I ask her can she move back some, and she replied “it’s her job to stand over me” and “she wasn’t going anywhere”, I asked her why wasn’t she standing over any of the other non black customers, she said she didn’t have to, so I said I feel uncomfortable so ima record her, she came to me and said to put my phone down and put her hands in my face, I told her to move them and she attacked me, as you can see in the video. What I really would like is for everyone to post and repost the video, if you have any lawyer friends or family to please send the video to them. If not to please donate 1$ so that I can try to pay for an attorney! Anything helps even a share or referral is appreciated.