Please support the Reyes-Villareal family
On the night of September 24, 2019, my
parents Ramiro Reyes and Rosalba
Reyes we’re returning home from the
hospital in Houston, TX after discovering that my grandmother had passed away. Once they were arriving at their home, a shooter
opened fire as they drove by their home and
tragically killed my parents. My parents were kind and loving people who leave behind myself,
two grandchildren, and several other loved ones left behind. Your contribution will help the Reyes-Villareal family immensely in this
incredibly difficult time.
En la noche del 24 de septiembre de 2019mi padres Ramiro Reyes y Rosalba
Reyes regresaban a casa del
hospital en Houston, TX después de
descubrir que mi abuela había fallecido.
Una vez que llegaban a su casa, alguien
abrió fuego mientras pasaban por su casa y
trágicamente mataron a mis padres. Mis
padres eran personas amables y cariñosas que me dejan atrás a mi su hija, dos nietos y muchos otros seres queridos. Su
contribución ayudará inmensamente a la
familia Reyes-Villareal en este
tiempo tan difícil.