#PledgeToEarth - Help Save the Amazon Rainforest
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The Amazon Rainforest is on fire, and global action is needed to protect this precious natural resource with immediate emergency response, and long term conservation efforts.
We are the first Amazon international aid response for in Bolivia now.
After counseling with Bolivian Mayor Ivan Quezada we are directing first priority response and funds to provide gear to volunteer citizen firefighters working in Bolivia's Amazon. While we are in communication with Airtanker operators, it is imperative we first mobilize as many ground firefighters as possible to maximize the effectiveness of our resources. Our goal now is to get 1,000 firefighters on the ground now.
Every $250 we raise will support a volunteer firefighter with helmet, sprayer, boots, and fire suit
Every $500 will equip a captain with advanced gear, and backpack tank
So why have the fires started, and why is it important to preserve the rainforest?
... Brazil's space agency says there have been more than 90,000 fires this year, and thousands are still active now.
... Most of these fires are manmade due to agricultural cut and burn deforestation practices intended to clear land for primarily cattle ranches and also crops such as soy, sugarcane, and palm oil.
... The Rainforest is an important regulator of the climate and perpetuates ecological systems that provide oxygen, absorb carbon from the atmosphere, clean the air, purify natural waters, provide medicine, and many other functions
... The Rainforest houses about 25% of the world's biodiversity including 10% of all known species on Earth, 40,000 plant species, 3,000 freshwater fish species, and more than 370 types of reptiles
... The Rainforest is home to about 1 million indigenous peoples that provide valuable world culture and wisdom
As our fund grows, we will continue to fund more on the ground missions with the experts that have dedicated their lives to supporting the Amazon.
The project is divided into 3 phases, two of them of immediate and effective action to MITIGATE the fire storm in the Amazon Rainforest.
1. Mobilize 1,000 volunteer citizen firefighters by providing necessary equipment
2. Assist tribes, villagers and local riverside communities effected by fire damage
3. Implement a four-pillar Amazonian ongoing aid project, environmental, social, climate and economic which is called WE ARE AMAZONIANS GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM to promote the conservation of 500.000 Acres of Native forest in the hearth of Amazon Rainforest.
Our Partners and Directors:
Virginia Salas Kastilio, Founder of I Trust You has built the campaign and donation page, bringing together thousands of people to raise donations and awareness for the Amazon, and is providing on-ground emergency aid.
Michael Capponi is from Global Empowerment Mission, a nonprofit organization founded in 2011, that has been involved in providing aid during some of the most significant global tragedies over the last 2 decades. He is providing us with infrastructure, industry insight and years of experience in disaster relief.
Leonardo Barrionuevo from the nonprofit Amazon Protection Foundation, has been working for decades to fight Global Warming, Climate Change, Poverty and Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest.
Anne Marie Miller is the founder of Indigenous Celebration, a nonprofit organization currently serving 19 tribes in the Amazon. IC brings an extensive network, on the ground support, and has already identified and mapped the indigenous territories closest to the blaze to support efforts specifically aimed at protecting indigenous communities at risk from the fire. Indigenous Celebration's mission is to preserve the forest and it’s wisdom by empowering the world’s indigenous through a celebration of culture.
Join the #PledgeToEarth social media campaign and come together to raise money for the Amazon and beyond. To make your own #PledgeToEarth, help spread the word by posting on social media with this caption:
#PledgeToEarth ❤♻ "I hereby pledge my allegiance to the Earth. I am a human passionate about making a change in our planet for the better. I will donate my time, energy and resources when possible towards making our home a better place." We are raising $250,000 to save the Amazon. Donate at: www.itrustyou.love or go to @itrustyoumovement Who is with me? #Prayforamazonia
To see how our funds are paying to kit firefighters RIGHT NOW check out our latest news on Instagram:
@#pledgetoearth @itrustyoumovement @virginiasalaskastilio @globalempowermentmission
Or follow us on twitter @PledgeToEarth

♥️ More information about I Trust You Movement:
I Trust You is a global movement designed to connect humans and regenerate the Earth. Our ambassadors come together in aid of the Earth and organise local gatherings to give back in their communities. Anyone you see wearing an "I Trust You" shirt, you can give them a hug. In September we are launching our "I Trust University" which cultivates ancient wisdom for futuristic thinking. Learn from the world top consultant, doctors and entrepreneurs how to live a more free, empowered and earth friendly life. We also have a global leadership network called "Humans I Trust" for Founders and CEO's who are not only business badass, but also want to give back to humanity.
For more info go to: www.itrustyou.love
Follow @itrustyoumovement & @virginiasalaskastilio on Instagram to stay up to date!
♥️More information about Global Empowerment Mission Inc.: Global Empowerment Mission is a 501c3 nonprofit organization founded in 2011 under the original name, Haiti Empowerment Mission. In 2015, the organization changed its name to GEM in line with its expanding focus. Conceived in 1999 when founder Michael Capponi got his feet wet helping the victims of the Kosovo crisis, GEM's founding members have been involved in supporting some of the most significant global tragedies over the last decade.
For more info go to: https://www.globalempowermentmission.org/ / @globalempowermentmission
♥ ️ More information about Amazon Protection Foundation:
We understand that non-profit organizations must join forces with individuals, the private sector and governments in order to fight Global Warming, Climate Change, Poverty and Deforestation, in the Amazon Rainforest.
The Amazon Rainforest is better known as the “Lungs of the World”, the destruction of its biodiversity threatens us with the extinction of humankind.
Amazon Protection Foundation is a not-for-profit driven organization designed to fight Global Warming, Climate Change, Poverty and Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest. Our Global Sustainability Platform is 100% aligned with UN 17 SDG’s and is based on 4 pillars: Environmental, Social, Climatic, and Economic.
For more info go to: https://www.amazonprotectionfoundation.org/ @weareamazonians
We are the first Amazon international aid response for in Bolivia now.
After counseling with Bolivian Mayor Ivan Quezada we are directing first priority response and funds to provide gear to volunteer citizen firefighters working in Bolivia's Amazon. While we are in communication with Airtanker operators, it is imperative we first mobilize as many ground firefighters as possible to maximize the effectiveness of our resources. Our goal now is to get 1,000 firefighters on the ground now.
Every $250 we raise will support a volunteer firefighter with helmet, sprayer, boots, and fire suit
Every $500 will equip a captain with advanced gear, and backpack tank
So why have the fires started, and why is it important to preserve the rainforest?
... Brazil's space agency says there have been more than 90,000 fires this year, and thousands are still active now.
... Most of these fires are manmade due to agricultural cut and burn deforestation practices intended to clear land for primarily cattle ranches and also crops such as soy, sugarcane, and palm oil.
... The Rainforest is an important regulator of the climate and perpetuates ecological systems that provide oxygen, absorb carbon from the atmosphere, clean the air, purify natural waters, provide medicine, and many other functions
... The Rainforest houses about 25% of the world's biodiversity including 10% of all known species on Earth, 40,000 plant species, 3,000 freshwater fish species, and more than 370 types of reptiles
... The Rainforest is home to about 1 million indigenous peoples that provide valuable world culture and wisdom
As our fund grows, we will continue to fund more on the ground missions with the experts that have dedicated their lives to supporting the Amazon.
The project is divided into 3 phases, two of them of immediate and effective action to MITIGATE the fire storm in the Amazon Rainforest.
1. Mobilize 1,000 volunteer citizen firefighters by providing necessary equipment
2. Assist tribes, villagers and local riverside communities effected by fire damage
3. Implement a four-pillar Amazonian ongoing aid project, environmental, social, climate and economic which is called WE ARE AMAZONIANS GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM to promote the conservation of 500.000 Acres of Native forest in the hearth of Amazon Rainforest.
Our Partners and Directors:
Virginia Salas Kastilio, Founder of I Trust You has built the campaign and donation page, bringing together thousands of people to raise donations and awareness for the Amazon, and is providing on-ground emergency aid.
Michael Capponi is from Global Empowerment Mission, a nonprofit organization founded in 2011, that has been involved in providing aid during some of the most significant global tragedies over the last 2 decades. He is providing us with infrastructure, industry insight and years of experience in disaster relief.
Leonardo Barrionuevo from the nonprofit Amazon Protection Foundation, has been working for decades to fight Global Warming, Climate Change, Poverty and Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest.
Anne Marie Miller is the founder of Indigenous Celebration, a nonprofit organization currently serving 19 tribes in the Amazon. IC brings an extensive network, on the ground support, and has already identified and mapped the indigenous territories closest to the blaze to support efforts specifically aimed at protecting indigenous communities at risk from the fire. Indigenous Celebration's mission is to preserve the forest and it’s wisdom by empowering the world’s indigenous through a celebration of culture.
Join the #PledgeToEarth social media campaign and come together to raise money for the Amazon and beyond. To make your own #PledgeToEarth, help spread the word by posting on social media with this caption:
#PledgeToEarth ❤♻ "I hereby pledge my allegiance to the Earth. I am a human passionate about making a change in our planet for the better. I will donate my time, energy and resources when possible towards making our home a better place." We are raising $250,000 to save the Amazon. Donate at: www.itrustyou.love or go to @itrustyoumovement Who is with me? #Prayforamazonia
To see how our funds are paying to kit firefighters RIGHT NOW check out our latest news on Instagram:
@#pledgetoearth @itrustyoumovement @virginiasalaskastilio @globalempowermentmission
Or follow us on twitter @PledgeToEarth

♥️ More information about I Trust You Movement:
I Trust You is a global movement designed to connect humans and regenerate the Earth. Our ambassadors come together in aid of the Earth and organise local gatherings to give back in their communities. Anyone you see wearing an "I Trust You" shirt, you can give them a hug. In September we are launching our "I Trust University" which cultivates ancient wisdom for futuristic thinking. Learn from the world top consultant, doctors and entrepreneurs how to live a more free, empowered and earth friendly life. We also have a global leadership network called "Humans I Trust" for Founders and CEO's who are not only business badass, but also want to give back to humanity.
For more info go to: www.itrustyou.love
Follow @itrustyoumovement & @virginiasalaskastilio on Instagram to stay up to date!
♥️More information about Global Empowerment Mission Inc.: Global Empowerment Mission is a 501c3 nonprofit organization founded in 2011 under the original name, Haiti Empowerment Mission. In 2015, the organization changed its name to GEM in line with its expanding focus. Conceived in 1999 when founder Michael Capponi got his feet wet helping the victims of the Kosovo crisis, GEM's founding members have been involved in supporting some of the most significant global tragedies over the last decade.
For more info go to: https://www.globalempowermentmission.org/ / @globalempowermentmission
♥ ️ More information about Amazon Protection Foundation:
We understand that non-profit organizations must join forces with individuals, the private sector and governments in order to fight Global Warming, Climate Change, Poverty and Deforestation, in the Amazon Rainforest.
The Amazon Rainforest is better known as the “Lungs of the World”, the destruction of its biodiversity threatens us with the extinction of humankind.
Amazon Protection Foundation is a not-for-profit driven organization designed to fight Global Warming, Climate Change, Poverty and Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest. Our Global Sustainability Platform is 100% aligned with UN 17 SDG’s and is based on 4 pillars: Environmental, Social, Climatic, and Economic.
For more info go to: https://www.amazonprotectionfoundation.org/ @weareamazonians
Fundraising team: I Trust You Movement (2)
Virginia Salas Kastilio
Miami, FL
Global Empowerment Mission Inc.
Alejandra Soler
Team member