Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Plen Family Fire Relief Fundraiser

Donación protegida
Michael Plen, beloved friend and colleague to so many, has lost his home to the Mailibu fire.  He, his wife and son are safe, but his house burned to the ground with everything in it but some clothes, family pictures and hard drives. Plen, Cat and Everette are facing a long road to recover and rebuild. Let's all pitch in to help.

Right now they need help with temporary housing. Down the road there will be rebuilding, all the costs insurance won't cover, and a million little things he and Cat can't yet predict.

It's time to do for Plen the way he has done for all of us, with never-say-die determination, generosity and humor. (Who remembers the Attack Hamster?)

If you want to join our fundraising team or have any ideas to spread the word and raise more money, please reach out. Every dollar and social media post/share makes an important difference.

Thank you!


  • Derek Gannon
    • $5,000
    • 5 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (3)

Julie Yannatta
Santa Monica, CA
Michael Plen
Cory Llewellyn
Team member
Jenni Sperandeo
Team member

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe