Cancer treatment for Claire Elliott
Claire desperately needs life-saving immunotherapy called Pembroluzimab
which is not available in the UK
This fundraiser seeks to raise £120k to
purchase Pembroluzimab and treat Claire. Claire has been given between 2 and 8
months to live without it.
Pembroluzimab is £3200 a cycle and
Claire needs tissue typing first of all at a cost of £5k. Claire needs an initial 5 cycles to see if the treatment is effective and then
up to 35 cycles in total.
Claire will likely have the treatment in
Cyprus. Due to Covid-19 a trial she was
due to take part in has been pulled due to
lack of ITU beds. Time really is pressing.
Claire is a huge Wolves (Wolverhampton Wanderers fan.) She follows them home
and away and credits their current success with giving her longer to live-something to fight for.
Pembroluzimab is realistically the only
option left. It is not licensed in the UK for
Claires cancer, but is for head and neck,
prostate and some types of lung cancer. Due to its access it was fast-tracked in the US but is not due to be assessed in the UK
until 2023
Claire can’t wait until then. Please donate what you can