Popular Keyboard Player With Urgent Medical Needs
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Help For Gifted And Popular Keyboard Player Who Lost Fingers To Deadly Flesh Eating Bacteria, Necrotising Fasciitis.
Mike Stobbie is a dear friend and colleague of mine for over 25 years. He is an immensely talented and in-demand musician whom I have had the privilege to work with, both on stage and in the studio.
Last year, I was devastated to learn that he had contracted a rare and deadly disease, necrotizing fasciitis, that nearly killed him and left him without fingers and the use of his hand. Without his hand, he’s unable to continue his creativity, resume his career or support himself and his family
I’m hoping to generate enough money to allow Mike to undergo some ground-breaking surgery that will provide him with a bionic hand and help him to reach his goal of returning to composing and performing.
Professional musician Mike Stobbie has miraculously survived a 3-month battle fighting necrotizing fasciitis, a condition caused by deadly flesh-eating bacteria that kills 5 out of 6 victims.
While all his friends and family are so very grateful that he is finally on the long road to recovery, necrotizing fasciitis is such an aggressive infection that Mike had to fight it every day in the Royal London Hospital’s intensive care unit. He’s had over 40 surgeries on his left arm and shoulder and was moved to a rehabilitation centre for several months. Tragically, it was necessary for the fingers and thumb on his left hand to be amputated and this has changed both his personal and professional life dramatically.
Mike is a keyboard player, composer, arranger and so much more. Sadly, because of the loss of fingers, the plans for his future will need to be adjusted tremendously.
Until now, Mike has enjoyed the most varied musical career.
This film of his keyboard playing with his bandmates in PALLAS was one of his final projects he was working on before he was struck down and which he hopes to return to along with PALLAS to complete in the not too distant future.
Please click the link below to watch EXORDIUM!
Working with many acclaimed musicians and bands including Pallas, Jeff Green Project, John Wetton & Geoff Downes (Asia & Yes), Steve Hackett (Genesis), Alex James (Blur), Betty Boo, Natalie Imbruglia and Tinie Tempah. He sat next to Annie Lennox in his school orchestra (she played flute, and he played clarinet). He has programmed several West End shows for Andrew Lloyd Webber and Cameron Macintosh and worked on The Beatles’ West End and Broadway show ‘Let It Be’.
You may even have heard Mike’s music playing in your home on TV ads and the popular Aardman kid's show ‘Timmy Time’, for which he composed the theme tune and all of the incidental music.
I am humbly asking for donations for Mike, his beautiful wife Anna and their 8-year-old son Michael in an effort to get them through this massively challenging stage of their lives. Over the past year, Mike has been in and out of many hospitals and rehabilitation facilities; these were required just to keep him alive. There will be more surgeries in order to save his remaining fingers and toes.
Please consider making a contribution however small, with music in your mind and love in your heart, for this wonderfully talented man and his beautiful family who desperately need your support to carry on.
£120,000 will enable Mike to get the highly specialized surgery that’s required to give him a new hand and the ability to create more music, perform again and provide for his beautiful family.
“I am celebrating my first full week since my smaller version of "The Blip" aka the major fictional event depicted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise" on the 22nd July 2022 last year!
It has been quite emotional and exhilarating now since the unfortunate incident happened when I was struck down with Necrotising Fasciitis, blue lighted to the Royal London A&E, put in a coma for two and a bit months and given 40 operations which did eventually save my life albeit losing a hand and a bit's worth of fingers which stops me from my favourite thing, playing the piano. As well as still losing parts of toes, continuing surgeries 5 days a week in different hospitals and surgeries, etc I can still clearly see the light at the end of the tunnel as opposed to that light which you see when you are about to die which I didn't ever see although was as close as you can get (my little sister still tells me that I died).
But there is a future. A bright and very exciting future which has revealed itself from the depths of nothingness to the highest of highs! The generosity and love from friends and strangers via the GoFundMe page set up by American Jeff Green has absolutely floored me and has put me in love with the human race again. Not the politicians, the warmongers, the liars and the users but the real people. People like you who are friends on my facebook page and all the friends from my past who have suddenly appeared again into my life after decades. I might have lost you forever had this terrible thing not happened.
These months coming will be my first August, September and October for two years. Why it's as though I am seeing Christmas Day as a kid for the first time in my life again! I cannot begin to try to explain how it feels being alive and this happy at where I am now. All the things I used to worry about have been kicked out of the window as nothing is as important as life itself. And I know everyone has their worries in life but it is only when you nearly lose your life that it all comes into perspective. I look at every morning now with a smile and a lot of hope and dreams now and I hope and wish that I can impart some of this on you as it really does change your perspective on things.
This Thursday sees me meeting all my heroes at John Wetton's Charity concert, people like Rick Wakeman (Yes), Steve Hackett (Genesis), Robert Fripp (King Crimson), Geoff Downes (Yes, Asia and Buggles), etc.
The Pallas memorial CDs have been wonderful for me and are now getting reviewed and aired worldwide https://pallasofficial.bandcamp.com/
As well as this there is Hayley Griffith's Far From Here which I wrote and produced being toured in the UK soon
There is the Jeff Green Project CD being later this year.
My track "Exordium" has been hailed as the best Progressive Rock track ever by a website who have been into Prog all of their (not young) life, and that if not the best then one of the top three!
The track is available at
Click on read more then scroll down to watch the Exordium Video!
Anyway there is light at the end of my rainbow and I hope sharing it with you helps even just a little.
I will keep you up to date with what happens re the future especially medically wise and Thank you all so much again and I love you all!
Mike xxx”
Here is a link to Mike's progress on a a recent news item relating to his incredible progress:
"Claire de Lune by Debussy on 3 fingers and a thumb"
- https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/3-austrian-men-1st-to-get-bionic-hand-reconstructions-1.2970988?fbclid=IwAR15FwovD3Y04nbbRLCIk3BFxpvOxrrnAojTxHgC0qnlleM7irzqEEkP9h8
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxbAliBxuOE
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1BCoj2W31o
Thank you so much,
Jeff Green
Organizer and beneficiary
Jeffrey Green
Mike Stobbie