Porque Juntos Podemos Perú
El Perú, como muchos países se ha visto afectado por la pandemia del Covd-19. Debido a las restricciones como la cuarentena e inmovilización social decretadas por el Gobierno Central muchas familias en estado de pobreza y pobreza absoluta y que se encuentran en estado de vulnerabilidad se han visto afectadas al no poder generar los recursos mínimos para subsistir diariamente.
En este contexto la Asociación de las Bienaventuranzas dirigida por el Padre Omar Sánchez ha emprendido la campaña “Porque juntos podemos Perú” mediante la que se reparten canastas básicas de alimentos valorizadas en S/15.00 (US$4.30 aproximadamente) que permiten a una familia promedio de 4 a 5 personas alimentarse por un período de 3 a 4 días.
A la fecha de lanzamiento de esta campaña se han repartido 55 mil canastas gracias al aporte de donantes privados nacionales y extranjeros y se pretende llegar a una mayor población aliviando de esta manera las preocupaciones y necesidades de la población objetivo.
Peru, like many other countries, has been severely affected by Covid-19. Among other things, restrictions imposed by the Peruvian Government have placed extremely burdensome limitations on social mobilization. This situation is especially hard felt by families in generational poverty. Their inability to get out and about to generate resources to survive day to day makes them particularly vulnerable.
To help remedy these unfortunate circumstances for the poorest of Peru’s poor, Father Omar Sanchez, through his Association of the Beatitudes, has launched a campaign dubbed “Because Together We Can Peru”. The Association provides baskets of basic food supplies for distribution to Peru’s most needy families. The cost of the baskets is about S/15.00 soles, the equivalent of approximately US$4.30, which allows a family of 4/5 persons to eat for roughly 3/4 days.
So far, 55,000 baskets have been distributed thanks to private domestic and international donations. Fr. Omar is working hard to continue his mission to feed Peru’s poorest families and alleviate their desperate struggle to survive Covid-19, but funds to do so are running out. Any US$ denominated contribution to his campaign, no matter the amount, would be greatly appreciated. Please help support this most worthwhile of causes. A small donation can make a huge difference. It is, quite frankly for some, a matter of life or death.
Visita nuestra web: https://asociacionbienaventuranzas.org.pe/