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If you like original content that is driven by action and amazing writing you have come to the right place. No remakes, redoos , sequals, do overs for us! Lets take film back!! If you like Quentin Tarantino type films, you will love this one!! "Preacher Six" is like "Taxi Driver" meets "Sin City" meets "The Prophesy" Please be a part of something awesome!! Scroll down for the gratitude swag you will get for contributing! We are so happy to have principal photography in the can!!! Please watch the trailer so you can get an idea of what we have accomplished! Now....... the next phase of the film. The behind the scenes editing and special effects. This film has a lot of that. It takes time and skilled people to make it happen.  Preacher Six Welcome!! My name is Kyle Hester. Just a bit about me. I have been acting since I was in the 7th grade and this film thing is my life long passion. After acting for many years, I was given the opportunity to produce a film called "The Chair" I had the honor of working with many great actors including the late Roddy Piper in that film. Followed by "Zombie With a Shotgun" Do check it out. Well........... It is our turn. My wife Tracy Ray is the screenwriter of "Preacher Six". She has created a world all of wonders that will leave you wanting to know more. I am truly blown away by the script personally! Preacher Six is a small town preacher that is summoned to the big city where he ends up fighting evil in a literal sense! The characters that he meets along the journey are something special and unique! They could all have their own films made about them! Grady Earls is our prolific director! You will see his graphics in the artwork. We are going for A list quality here! Speaking of high quality! Lets look at our cast!! Kyle Hester from "The Chair" Peter Murnuk from "Justified" Carmen Argenziano from "Godfather II"! Zach Galligan from "Gremlins"! Naomi Grossman from "American Horror Story"! Tomas Boykin from "Voodoo Possession"! David Banks from "Cut"! Lawrence Chau from Ghostly Encounters"! Ezra Buzzington from "Fight Club"! Mary Le Gault from "Death Factory"! Jeremy Fultz from "Zombie With a Shotgun"! Plus many more!! This cast is still being announced! The only way all those actors will work is with your help! Independent film only happens because of people like you! This Go Fund Me campaign is what will make this film happen. Everything from paying the cast and crew to the Insurance and film permits that make filming possible. The food that they eat on set is made possible because of you. Bottom line here is without you and your support all of this is a blank screen................... 
Kyle Hester
Los Angeles, CA