PPE & Surgical Masks Communities In Most Need
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COVID - Protect Communities Most In Need & The Front line Who Serve Them with Urgently Needed PPE
With the severe shortage of PPE we found a way to make a difference. We have connections to a surgical mask manufacturer in China. We’re buying masks at the manufactured cost of just 12 cents each, and we’re shipping them at no cost to the US given a generous grant from Flexport.org.
As of 30 July we’ve raised more than $415,00, including $130,000 on Go Fund Me, plus $100,000 in initial seeding donations, and $70,000 for freight and logistics from Flexport.
We've donated more than 700,000 surgical masks to the Navajo Nation, American Indian Association of Illinois, NYC Homeless Services, Free & Charitable Clinics of Virginia, The Bowery Mission (NY), Philadelphia’s Officer of Emergency Management, Maryland Department of Health (targeting people experiencing homelessness), Ali Forney Center (NY), START Opioid Addiction Treatment Clinics, Chicago Criminal Justice System, Chicago Homeless Shelters, United Way South East Michigan, Maine Dept of Corrections Women’s programs, Elmshurst Hospital, START Opioid Treatment Clinics, Bronx Works and the NYC Mayor’s Office. We’ve donated a total of 5,000 N95s to front-line workers in hospitals with urgent needs.
We have 900,000 more surgical masks on the way from China which we’ll be donating to our most under-served and needy communities.
Thanks to the generous pro bono legal support of Kirkland & Ellis LLP we’ve formed a charitable corporation, NEAR Inc. and are applying for 501c3 status. If we obtain tax-exempt status as expected, all donations from 23 April, 2020 on will be tax deductible. If you donated before then, or if you want to give through a Donor Advised Fund, please get in touch with the organizers.
Help us give back to the most needy and under-served communities and those risking their lives to save others': the EMT, fire brigades, community carers and of course our nurses, doctors, and healthcare workers.
Remember that 12 cents could save the life of someone who's risked theirs.
Thank you for your generosity and remember to #wearamask
For those who would like more details
We’ve consulted with senior leaders of several hospital systems, the former Chief Medical Officer of the NY Public Hospital system, clinics and groups serving the underserved, the NYC Mayor’s office, and the NYS Governor’s office. Those who need the most help, are under-served communities and the front line that serve them: the people risking their lives to save others'. If they get sick, we all get sick.
We’d like you to join us...
As long as there are needs, we will continue to make container loads of surgical masks as we continue to be funded.
The organizers of this effort, and members of the board of NEAR – Networks for Emergencies and Relief, Inc. are:
Dr Ross Wilson, former Chief Medical Officer of the NY Health & Hospital Corporation
Jean-Philippe Maheu, VP US, Twitter
Richard Neave, CFO, W2O Group
Zach Morrison, CEO, Tinuiti
Phil Hollyer, Executive Chairman, Bounteous
Hanna Miller, Lawyer
Zachary Gallate, Student at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
George Gallate, Principal MKTG2.U
Thank you for your generosity and remember to #wearamask
Please note that NEAR is authorized to use your contributions in our discretion, in each case for purposes consistent with our charitable mission.
Pics: Masks being received by the Navajo Nation and Housing Works

With the severe shortage of PPE we found a way to make a difference. We have connections to a surgical mask manufacturer in China. We’re buying masks at the manufactured cost of just 12 cents each, and we’re shipping them at no cost to the US given a generous grant from Flexport.org.
As of 30 July we’ve raised more than $415,00, including $130,000 on Go Fund Me, plus $100,000 in initial seeding donations, and $70,000 for freight and logistics from Flexport.
We've donated more than 700,000 surgical masks to the Navajo Nation, American Indian Association of Illinois, NYC Homeless Services, Free & Charitable Clinics of Virginia, The Bowery Mission (NY), Philadelphia’s Officer of Emergency Management, Maryland Department of Health (targeting people experiencing homelessness), Ali Forney Center (NY), START Opioid Addiction Treatment Clinics, Chicago Criminal Justice System, Chicago Homeless Shelters, United Way South East Michigan, Maine Dept of Corrections Women’s programs, Elmshurst Hospital, START Opioid Treatment Clinics, Bronx Works and the NYC Mayor’s Office. We’ve donated a total of 5,000 N95s to front-line workers in hospitals with urgent needs.
We have 900,000 more surgical masks on the way from China which we’ll be donating to our most under-served and needy communities.
Thanks to the generous pro bono legal support of Kirkland & Ellis LLP we’ve formed a charitable corporation, NEAR Inc. and are applying for 501c3 status. If we obtain tax-exempt status as expected, all donations from 23 April, 2020 on will be tax deductible. If you donated before then, or if you want to give through a Donor Advised Fund, please get in touch with the organizers.
Help us give back to the most needy and under-served communities and those risking their lives to save others': the EMT, fire brigades, community carers and of course our nurses, doctors, and healthcare workers.
Remember that 12 cents could save the life of someone who's risked theirs.
Thank you for your generosity and remember to #wearamask
For those who would like more details
We’ve consulted with senior leaders of several hospital systems, the former Chief Medical Officer of the NY Public Hospital system, clinics and groups serving the underserved, the NYC Mayor’s office, and the NYS Governor’s office. Those who need the most help, are under-served communities and the front line that serve them: the people risking their lives to save others'. If they get sick, we all get sick.
We’d like you to join us...
As long as there are needs, we will continue to make container loads of surgical masks as we continue to be funded.
The organizers of this effort, and members of the board of NEAR – Networks for Emergencies and Relief, Inc. are:
Dr Ross Wilson, former Chief Medical Officer of the NY Health & Hospital Corporation
Jean-Philippe Maheu, VP US, Twitter
Richard Neave, CFO, W2O Group
Zach Morrison, CEO, Tinuiti
Phil Hollyer, Executive Chairman, Bounteous
Hanna Miller, Lawyer
Zachary Gallate, Student at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
George Gallate, Principal MKTG2.U
Thank you for your generosity and remember to #wearamask
Please note that NEAR is authorized to use your contributions in our discretion, in each case for purposes consistent with our charitable mission.
Pics: Masks being received by the Navajo Nation and Housing Works

Fundraising team: Make a difference for the frontline with PPE (9)
George Gallate, Dr Ross Wilson, JP Maheu, Richard Neave, Zachary Gallate
Teton Village, WY
Aaron Strout
Team member
Emily Menlo Marks
Team member
Margaret Ho
Team member
Gallate Family
Team member