PPE Connect Shipping Costs
What is PPE Connect?
PPE Connect is a way for people who have any extra PPE (even a single mask) to donate it directly to healthcare professionals who need it urgently. It’s like GoFundMe, Watsi, or Kickstarter, but instead of donating money, people can donate a mask, a few pairs of gloves or whatever spare PPE they have. It’s totally free, we pay for shipping and schedule a UPS pickup from your front door.
Why are we raising money?
PPE Connect is a totally free service. Right now, the creators of PPE Connect are paying for the shipping costs to send gloves, masks, etc from a donor to a healthcare pro out of their own pockets. If you can help make a $10 or $20 contribution that will help us ship out more masks. Thank you!
More info on PPE Connect can be found on our website at www.PPEconnect.org/faq