Unexpected Passing of Wife and Son
Jared Dove and his 1 year old daughter, Avianna, lost their wife and mom, Janet Dove, and brother and son, Wesley James Dove on Friday, November 6th due to unforeseen complications during childbirth.
What seemed to be early labor, turned in to many unanswered questions and an unimaginable week for Jared. Janet would want to know that her little girl and love of her life, Jared, are taken care of without her physically here. This story has left many heartbroken. For those who have asked how to help, we are hoping those who are able will donate to help offset lost wages, medical bills and a scholarship for Avianna. Nothing can change the years of memories and the memories that were to come; however, we can play a role in alleviating some of the financial burden that has been left on Jared and the family.
Wesley James Dove October 30th- November 4th
Janet Dove 12-04-1991- November 6th 2020