Nancy Perez Memorial fund
Nancy Perez is 30 years old and a mother of 4 beautiful children. She recently has been diagnosed with Stomach Cancer Stage 4 which has metastasis to other parts of her body and given a prognosis of a few weeks. Nancy battled hard, made it past her expectancy and almost has an attemptat treatment again. Sadly she passed away August 21st while in her sleep and surrounded by family. She is survived by her husband, and 4 kids.
Nancy's 4 beautiful children are: Isabella age 9, age Alex is 8; Alex is nonverbal on the autism spectrum and is so close to Nancy it’s sad this has to happen, Max is 4 years old and is blind in one eye and suffering from epilepsy, and Xavier who only 20 months old. 2 of our children are disabled and require both Nancy and I to care for them. Nancy is loved by so many and is important in many of our lives. Her and I have been happily married since 2014 that nearly 5 years.
I created this Go fund me in order help offset funeral arrangements and pay off debit we have accrued and can help us start this next step of our lives. Other non monetary help is accepted to just email me at [email redacted] If you can not donate, prayers for our family are more than welcomed. Please share this campaign. God Bless. #Prayformynancy