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Let's go to Junior Worlds!

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Hello everyone! I want to share some exciting news with you guys- I have recently been invited to compete for Team USA at the International Powerlifting Federation's World Championships this summer in Salo, Finland!This is an amazing opportunity to discipline my training over the next several months, compete for a spot as a world-ranked athlete, and give me a chance to network internationally with the powerlifting community! As many of you know I am currently a student in the Doctor of Chiropractic program at Life University, which means I keep pretty busy with my full school schedule along with my intense powerlifting training. I have been training as a powerlifter for a little over two years now, while continuing my educational journey in becoming a chiropractor. Last summer I competed at a National competition in Aurora, Colorado and WON! I am now the current Junior National Champion in my weight class. Going to Salo will be a huge milestone not only in my powerlifting career, but in my life! The lessons I learn from powerlifting have carried over into my academic, professional, and personal life time and time again, and this competition will be the biggest influence yet. Now, this is where you guys come in. I'm not asking for much- simply $5 is a step closer to my goal! Thank you so much for taking the time to read about my amazing opportunity to travel and represent our country through powerlifting! I owe a special thank you to my coaches Vanessa Gale and David Bell, as well as my training partner Amanda Carroll and Becci Holcomb. Without these people my powerlifting career wouldn't exist! I appreciate the continued support from everyone back in Texas, as well as my new family here in Georgia. Thank you again, and have a blessed day!

Stephanie Mahan
Competitive Powerlifter and Chiropractic Student


  • Sarah and Joseph Elliott
    • $25
    • 10 yrs


Stephanie Mahan
Smyrna, GA

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