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Private Parts: Faraday Shielding for the Public

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My name is Jackson, and my dream is to create a Non-Profit Corporation called "Private Parts" whose primary goal is to develop Faraday EMF/EMR Shielding Cages of the highest quality for the public to access.

In the world in which we live, we are constantly bombarded by EMF/EMR radiation. The negative health impacts of this radiation have been well documented since the 1970s. The radiation levels are only increasing with the advent and proliferation of technologies like WiFi, Bluetooth, and 5g.

This situation has created the need for Faraday Cage clothing companies like Lambs (, Emf Clothing (, Spero Protection Clothing (, and many others.

Have you ever imagined what it would feel like to be in a space where there was no harmful radiation at all? What humans felt like before constant radiation bombardment?

Have you ever wanted to converse with someone, whether a spouse, close friend or lawyer; without worrying about whether the discussion is truly private? Free from the legitimate worry that your conversation is being electronically monitored?

Are you a potential Whistleblower terrified of getting caught and cannot find a safe space to report your information to journalists?

Are you undergoing extreme mental and emotional distress that is so confusing that you are unsure whether you have a mental illness or are being attacked electronically?

All these reasons and many others illustrate the need for an NSA (National Security Agency Military Grade Faraday Shield facility that is available for public use.

The first round of funding will be spent incorporating Private Parts, leasing a location, building the first Safe Room (Faraday Shield), and conveying to the public that we are here for them, regardless of their reasons. We will operate on a sliding scale. Members of the public who wish to spend time in the Safe Room for medical, interpersonal, or spiritual reasons will not be obligated to pay anything.

Lawyers, Private Investigators, Security Contractors, and other corporate entities who would like to access our Safe Room will be charged an hourly fee, all fees going towards the maintenance and expansion of Private Parts.

Our ultimate goal is to have a Private Parts Safe Room in every major city. No one should have to get on a plane or bus to experience freedom from electromagnetic interference and interpersonal privacy.

Just because privacy has gone out of style does not mean we don't deserve any.

Once we are established, we anticipate many other sources of funding will become available, including National Science Foundation (NSF) grants and partnerships with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (, the American Civil Liberties Union (, and many others.

Help begin a movement that today's world badly needs; Ensure that humanity still has its "Private Parts."

References and Proofs:

All of these are from Dr. Robert O. Becker's book "The Body Electric."

1) “Among those who heard about it was Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson, who was understandably furious that his constituents were even then being used as guinea pigs in ongoing ELF tests at an experimental station near Clam Lake, while the document gathered dust in some Navy safe. Quoting Andy and me, he soundly criticized the Navy on the Senate floor.”

2) "Subliminal activation of the stress response is one of the most important effects that EMFs and nonionizing radiation have upon life, but it's far from the only one."

3) "One of the most telling tests was a simple one done at the Navy's Pensacola lab. R. S. Gibson and W. F. Moroney measured people's short-term memory and their ability to add sets of five 2-digit numbers in the presence of a 1-gauss magnetic field—the strength found near some high-voltage power lines and many common high-current appliances, such as portable electric heaters. Test scores declined at both the 60-hertz power frequency and the 45-hertz frequency of the Sanguine-Seafarer antenna, but remained normal in control sessions"

4) "As predicted, the interaction appears to be greatest between 35 and 100 hertz. Jose M. R. Delgado—the flamboyant advocate of a "psycho-civilized" society through mind control, who has publicized direct electrical stimulation of the brain by such displays as stopping a charging bull in its tracks with a radio impulse transmitted to an implanted electrode—recently reported results of a genetic study of magnetic fields at three frequencies."

5) "At some UHF power densities there's an insidious moth-to-the- flame allurement, which would increase such a weapon's effectiveness. As discoverer Sol Michaelson described it in 1958, each of the dogs used in his experiments "began to struggle for release from the sling," showing "considerable agitation and muscular activity," yet "for some reason the animal continues to face the horn." Perhaps as part of the same effect, UHF beams can also induce muscular weakness and lethargy. In Soviet experiments with rats in 1960, five minutes of exposure to 100,000 microwatts reduced swimming time in an endurance test from sixty minutes to six."

6) "In the early 1960s Frey found that when microwaves of 300 to 3,000 megahertz were pulsed at specific rates, humans (even deaf people) could "hear" them. The beam caused a booming, hissing, clicking, or buzzing, depending on the exact frequency and pulse rate, and the sound seemed to come from just behind the head. At first Frey was ridiculed for this announcement, just like many radar technicians who'd been told they were crazy for hearing certain radar beams. Later work has shown that the microwaves are sensed somewhere in the temporal region just above and slightly in front of the ears. The phenomenon apparently results from pressure waves set up in brain tissue, some of which activate the sound receptors of the inner ear via bone conduction, while others directly stimulate nerve cells in the auditory pathways. Experiments on rats have shown that a strong signal can generate a sound pressure of 120 decibels, or approximately the level near a jet engine at takeoff.
That the same effect can be used more subtly was demonstrated in 1973 by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Sharp, serving as a test subject himself, heard and understood spoken words delivered to him in an echo-free isolation chamber via a pulsed-microwave audiogram (an analog of the words' sound vibrations) beamed into his brain. Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with "voices" or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin. There are also indications that other pulse frequencies cause similar pressure waves in other tissues, which could disrupt various metabolic processes. A group under R. G. Olsen and J. D. Grissett at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory in Pensacola has al¬ ready demonstrated such effects in simulated muscle tissue and has a continuing contract to find beams effective against human tissues"

7) "In the 1960s Frey also reported that he could speed up, slow down, or stop isolated frog hearts by synchronizing the pulse rate of a microwave beam with the beat of the heart itself. Similar results have been obtained using live frogs, indicating that it's technically feasible to produce heart attacks with a ray designed to penetrate the human chest."

8) "In addition to the methods of damaging or killing people with EMR, there are several ways of controlling their behavior. Ross Adey and his colleagues have shown that microwaves modulated in various ways can force specific electrical patterns upon parts of the brain. Working with cats they found that brain waves appearing with conditioned responses could be selectively enhanced by shaping the microwaves with a rhythmic variation in amplitude (height) corresponding to EEG frequencies. For example, a 3-hertz modulation decreased 10-hertz alpha waves in one part of the animal's brain and reinforced 14-hertz beta waves in another location."

9) "Some radar can find a fly a kilometer away or track a human at twenty-five miles, and several researchers have suggested that focused EMR beams of such accuracy could bend the mind much like electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB) through wires. We know of ESB's potential for mind control largely through the work of Jose Delgado. One signal provoked a cat to lick its fur, then continue compulsively licking the floor and bars of its cage. A signal designed to stimulate a portion of a monkey's thalamus, a major midbrain center for integrating muscle movements, triggered a complex action: The monkey walked to one side of the cage, then the other, then climbed to the rear ceiling, then back down. The animal performed this same activity as many times as it was stimulated with the signal, up to sixty times an hour, but not blindly— the creature still was able to avoid obstacles and threats from the dominant male while carrying out the electrical imperative. Another type of signal has made monkeys turn their heads, or smile, no matter what else they were doing, up to twenty thousand times in two weeks. As Delgado concluded, "The animals looked like electronic toys."

10) "Even instincts and emotions can be changed: In one test a mother giving continuous care to her baby suddenly pushed the infant away whenever the signal was given. Approach-avoidance conditioning can be achieved for any action simply by stimulating the pleasure and pain centers in an animal's or person's limbic system."

11) "Eventual monitoring of evoked potentials from the EEG, combined with radio-frequency and microwave broadcasts designed to produce specific thoughts or moods, such as compliance and complacency, promises a method of mind control that poses immense danger to all societies— tyranny without terror. Scientists involved in EEG research all say the ability is still years away, but for all we could sense of it, it could be happening right now. Conspiracy theories aside, the hypnotic familiarity of TV and radio, combined with the biological effects of their broadcast beams, may already constitute a similar force for mass standardization, whether by design or not… The potential dangers of televised lethargy are no yawning matter. It's well known that relaxed attention to any mildly involving stimulus, such as a movie or TV program, produces a hypnoid state, in which the mind becomes especially receptive to suggestion. Other inducers of hypnoid states include light sleep, daydreams, or short periods of time spent waiting for some predetermined signal or action, such as a traffic light."

12) "The Central Intelligence Agency funded research on electromagnetic mind control at least as early as 1960, when the notorious MKULTRA program, mostly concerned with hypnosis and psychedelic drugs, included money for adapting bioelectric sensing methods (at that time primarily the EEG) to surveillance and interrogation, as well as for finding "techniques of activation of the human organism by remote electronic means." In testimony before the Senate Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research on September 21, 1977, MKULTRA director Dr. Sidney Gottlieb recalled: "There was a running interest in what effects people's standing in the field of radio energy have, and it and it could easily have been that somewhere in the many projects someone was trying to see if you could hypnotize somebody easier if he was standing in a radio beam."

13) "Hypnotists often use a strobe light flashing at alpha-wave frequencies to ease the glide into trance. It seems for over thirty years the Communist bloc nations have been using an ELF wave form to do the same thing undetectably and perhaps more effectively. Ross Adey recently lost most of his government grants and has become a bit more loquacious about the military and intelligence uses of EMR. In 1983 he organized a public meeting at the Loma Linda VA hospital and released photos and information concerning a Russian Lida machine. This was a small transmitter that emitted 10-hertz waves for tranquilization and enhancement of suggestibility. The most interesting part was that the box had an ancient vacuum-tube design, and a man who'd been a POW in Korea reported that similar devices had been used there during interrogation."

14) "American interest in the hypnosis-EMR interaction was still strong as of 1974, when a research plan was filed to develop useful techniques in human volunteers. The experimenter, J. F. Schapitz, stated: "In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of the hypnotist may also be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain—i.e., without employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously." As a preliminary test of the general concept, Schapitz proposed recording the brain waves induced by specific drugs, then modulating them onto a microwave beam and feeding them back into an undrugged person's brain to see if the same state of consciousness could be produced by the beam alone. A new test would check the results two weeks later."
The second experiment was to be the implanting of hypnotic suggestions for simple acts, like leaving the lab to buy some particular item, which were to be triggered by a suggested time, spoken word, or sight. Subjects were to be interviewed later. "It may be expected," Schapitz wrote, "that they rationalize their behavior and consider it to be undertaken out of their own free will."

15) "...all VDTs (which of course include video games and televisions as well as computer monitors) emit varying amounts of radiation over a broad spectrum. The transformers release VLF and ELF waves, while microwaves, X rays, and ultraviolet emanate from the screen."

16) "The Soviets may already be using theirs, however, on a scale far beyond that of the Moscow signal. During the U.S. bicentennial celebration of July 4, 1976, a new radio signal was heard throughout the world. It has remained on the air more or less continuously ever since. Varying up and down through the frequencies between 3.26 and 17.54 megahertz, it is pulse-modulated at a rate of several times a second, so it sounds like a buzz saw or woodpecker. It was soon traced to an enormous transmitter near Kiev in the Soviet Ukraine.
The signal is so strong it drowns out anything else on its wavelength. When it first appeared, the UN International Telecommunications Union protested because it interfered with several communications channels, including the emergency frequencies for aircraft on transoceanic flights. Now the woodpecker leaves "holes"; it skips the crucial frequencies as it moves up and down the spectrum. The signal is maintained at enormous expense from a current total of seven stations, the seven most powerful radio transmitters in the world.
Within a year or two after the woodpecker began tapping, there were persistent complaints of unaccountable symptoms from people in several cities of the United States and Canada, primarily Eugene, Oregon. The sensations—pressure and pain in the head, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, lack of coordination, and numbness, accompanied by a high-pitched ringing in the ears—were characteristic of strong radio-frequency or microwave irradiation. In Oregon, between Eugene and Corvallis, a powerful radio signal centering on 4.75 megahertz was monitored, at higher levels in the air than on the ground. Several unsatisfactory theories were advanced, including emanations from winter-damaged power lines, but most engineers who studied the signal concluded that it was a manifestation of the woodpecker. The idea was advanced that it was being directed to Oregon by a Tesla magnifying transmitter. This apparatus, devised by Nikola Tesla during his tum-of-the-century experiments on wireless global power transmission at a laboratory near Pikes Peak, hasn't been much studied in the West. It reportedly enables a transmitter to beam a radio signal through the earth to any desired point on its surface, while maintaining or even increasing the signal's power as it emerges. Paul Brodeur has suggested that, since the TRW company once proposed a Navy ELF communications system using an existing 850-mile power line that ended in Oregon, the Eugene phenomenon might have been the interaction between a Navy broadcast and Soviet jamming."

17) "In 1978, Stefan Rednip, an American reporter living in England, claimed access to purloined CIA documents proving the existence of a program called Operation Pique, which included bouncing radio signals off the ionosphere to affect the mental functions of people in selected areas, including Eastern European nuclear installations."

18) "Complaints of a mole could easily be a blind for a large and intense U.S. EMR weapons program. That there's more going on than meets the eye is clear from my last communication with Dietrich Beischer. In 1977 the Erie Magnetics Company of Buffalo, New York, sponsored a small private conference, and Beischer and I both planned to attend. Just before the meeting, I got a call from him. With no preamble or explanation, he blurted out: "I'm at a pay phone. I can't talk long. They are watching me. I can't come to the meeting or ever communicate with you again. I'm sorry. You've been a good friend. Good¬ bye." Soon afterward I called his office at Pensacola and was told, "I'm sorry, there is no one here by that name," just as in the movies. A guy who had done important research there for decades just disappeared."

19) "Since the mid-1970s there has been a dramatic increase in flooding, drought, and attendant hardships due to inconsistent, anomalous weather patterns. It appears likely that these have been caused in part by electropollution and perhaps enhanced, whether deliberately or not, by the Soviet woodpecker signal. It now seems feasible to induce catastrophic climate change over a target country, and even without such weather warfare, continued expansion of the electrical power system threatens the viability of all life on earth."

20) evidence to date suggests that our electropollution is presenting us, and perhaps all animals, with a double challenge: weaker immune systems and stronger diseases. We shouldn't be surprised, then, at an onslaught of "new" ailments, beginning about 1950 and accelerating toward the future. In several cases, new maladies have recently been described as coming from pathogens that previously weren't capable of inducing disease, and this, too, shouldn't surprise us. Among the newcomers are:
Reye's syndrome. First described in 1963, this condition begins with severe vomiting as a child is recovering from the flu or chicken pox. It then progresses to lethargy, personality changes, con¬ vulsions, coma, and death. The mortality rate, initially very high, has now been reduced to about 10 percent, but the incidence has increased greatly.
Lyme disease. A virus disease carried by certain insects, it produces severe arthritis in humans. It's one of several similar illnesses that have appeared only recently.
Legionnaire's disease. This is a pneumonia caused by a common soil bacterium that has found a second home in air-conditioning systems. The organism caused us no recognized problems before the initial outbreak in Philadelphia in 1976.
AIDS. Autoimmune deficiency syndrome is a condition in which the body's immune system fails completely and its owner often dies. The patient is unable to resist common, otherwise harmless bacteria and viruses, and can no longer suppress the seeds of cancer that reside in all of us. At present, some sort of virus is suspected as the precipitating cause.
Herpes genitalis. This disease isn't new, but its prevalence and severity have increased tremendously in one decade. Sexual permissiveness generally takes the blame, but a decline in immunocompetence may be more important.

21) "The "Moscow signal" was apparently first discovered about 1962, when the CIA is known to have sought consultation about it. The agency asked Milton Zaret for information about microwave dangers in that year, and then hired him in 1965 for advice and research in a secret evaluation of the signal, called Project Pandora. Nothing was publicly revealed until 1972, when Jack Anderson broke the story, and the U.S. government told its citizens nothing until 1976, in response to further news stories in the Boston Globe. According to various sources, the Russians shut off their transmitter in in 1978 or 1979, but then resumed the irradiation for several months in 1983."

22) "One more link in the bioclock-interference-and-stress response has come from 1980 work at the Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory in Richland, Washington. Working with rats, researchers there found that a weak 60-hertz electric field (only 3-9 volts per centimeter) canceled the normal nightly rise in production of the pineal gland hormone melatonin, the main hormonal mediator of biocycles."

23) "Adey has publicly expressed his conviction that pulses for changing calcium flow in intact nervous systems do exist, however, and he expects that a calcium efflux would interfere with concentration on complex tasks, disrupt sleep patterns, and change brain function in other ways that can't be predicted yet. This research obviously points toward "confusion beam" weaponry, so effective windows may already have been found, but they haven't been re¬ ported in the open literature."

24) "Two years after the Gordon-Tolgskaya report, Allen Frey, who has studied bioeffects of microwaves for over two decades at Randomline, Inc., a consulting firm in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania, found an effect on the blood-brain barrier, the cellular gateway by which specialized capillaries strictly limit the molecules admitted to the delicate nerve cells' environment. Even at power densities as low as 30 micro¬ watts, microwaves pulsed at extremely low frequencies loosen this control, in effect opening up leaks in the barrier. Since some barrier changes occur in response to stress and mood shifts, this could be either a cause or a result of the stress response, or an unrelated effect of pulsed micro- waves. In any case, since the blood-brain barrier is the central nervous system's last and most crucial defense against toxins, we must consider this increased permeability a grave hazard until proven otherwise."

25) "The sites of the greatest changes—the brain's hypothalamus and cortex—were cause for concern. The hypothalamus, a nexus of fibers linking the emotional centers, the pituitary gland, the pleasure center, and the autonomic nervous system, is the single most important part of the brain for homeostasis and is a crucial link in the stress response. Any interference with cortical activity, of course, would disrupt logical and associational thought."

26) "Since our work on human reaction time, half a dozen other groups have also found marked CNS effects from ELF fields. Most experiments have shown a decrease in reaction speed, although one researcher noted faster- than-normal reactions in humans exposed to very weak electric fields vibrating at beta wave frequencies. The sensitivity of some animals has turned out to be amazing."

27) “The antenna would produce an electromagnetic field 1 million times weaker than that from a 765-kilovolt power line. It was to broadcast at 45 to 70 hertz, frequencies close enough to the earth's micropulsations that living things are very sensitive to them.
Similar fields had been shown to raise human blood triglyceride levels (often a harbinger of stroke, heart attack, or arteriosclerosis), and change blood pressure and brain wave patterns in experimental animals. The generalized stress response, desynchronized biocycles, and interference with cellular metabolism and growth processes—and hence increased cancer rates—were also distinct possibilities.”

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Jackson Hacker
Savannah, GA

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