Private treatment, rehabilitation and physio.
Donation protected
My name is Georgy, I'm 28 and I am living with chronic pain and a degenerative, genetic breakdown of the discs in my spine.
I have dedicated my entire working life to the NHS as a HCA for those with
Dementia, Alzheimer's disease and those under palliative care.
In May of 2020, I began to suffer with servere pain in my lower back and legs.
Investigations through NHS care began, after the pain began to worsen, despite
having anti-inflamatory steroid injections and being prescribed morphine to help with the pain.
As I am sure everyone is aware, NHS waiting lists are at an all time high with staff under immense pressure and a back log of almost a year for those waiting for
In the begining of 2021 after an MRI scan, results showed that at L4/5 (the lower lumbar area of my spine) there was a broad-based disc bulge, impinging on the S1 nerve root.
In September 2021, I had a right sacroilliac steroid injection to try and help
reduce the inflamation and pain, sadly this did not work. In March of this year,
after waiting for several months, I saw a new consultant under the care of the
I have been reffered to see a spinal specialist and am on a waiting list, which I'll be waiting on until at least September.
I am living everyday with servere pain and reduced mobility. I have always been so passionate about my job and my patients, however, this whole ordeal has been so debilitating and I have been deemed unfit to work, until I am better.
Desperate for this pain to end and to get back to working ASAP, I took the plunge and sought out private medical help.
This new consultant reviewed my previous scan and suggested we try a
transforminal epidural, to act as a nerve root block, in an aid to help the pain. I had this done in April, and after a couple of days relief/numbness, the pain returned just as bad.
Obviously this isn't the outcome we were hoping for, so another emergency MRI was done 3 weeks ago, to see if there were any changes. The results showed near enough the same findings as before.
A degenerative L3/4 level annular tear (a tear in the outer layer of the spinal disc), a degenerative L4/5 level annular tear with disc protrusion/herniation which is
touching the S1 nerve root.
A degenerative L5/S1 with some posterior impingment at the back. This means there is no progressive change and clinically, surgical intervention is not needed at this stage.
After a very difficult conversation with my consultant, he informed me that whereas most people in old age will have a degenerative break down in their backs... unfortunately,
mine began to break down aged 26. He has explained that where one is able to live with these problems, it does not stop the pain or solve how to live with this chronic illness and breakdown.
so, the plan- He is reffering me for intensive rehab and physio to try to help strengthen and support the discs which have worn away, a referall to a pain management specialist has been done,
and I have a back brace/corset to wear for 6 weeks, to again help with mobility, movement and pain. I am desperate for this pain to end and to most importantly get back to work and my beloved patients.
So far this has cost more than I could have imagined, but I am at my witts end and desperate to get well and strong again. Just to give you an idea, the initial consultation with the private consultant was £275, and every follow up after that is £165.
The epidrual cost £1643, an MRI is between £200 and £300 for one, Phsyio will be £55 intially then £44 there after. I have to travel to and from these appointments in a cab, as my girlfriend works full time and is unable to acompany me.
The back brace was £60 and any future consultations I have (ie with pain managment) will be of a similar price to my current consultant. Any further treatments will of course cost, and as I do not know
how long this situation will last, it makes it very difficult to set a goal to reach financially, so the goal may change with treatment. I know this is a very tough time for the population, with the cost of living at an all time high,
but any donations and help will be so appreciated I can't tell you. The funds raised will go towards rehab, physio, any further injections, drugs and surgeries that they suggest to try,
and getting to and from these appointments. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and understand why I am having to ask for help. As I am not able to work, I am sure you can imagine the stress and uncertainty
I am feeling. All I want is to get better and be able to get back to living my life.
Love, G x
Georgy Hibbert