Prof. Arnold Ehret Day Celebration 2022
Donation protected
The 4th Annual Prof. Arnold Ehret Day Celebration is fast approaching!

This year’s Ehret Day Celebration will take place on July 30-31st in Columbus, OH.
This is a life-changing event that inspires and rejuvenates all who attend.
Many of us spend our lives around people who just don't get it.
They stuff their bodies with pus- and mucus-forming foods all day and night.
Then, when they get sick and say, “something’s going around...Please pass me some tissue and that piece of cheesecake,” they are clueless that they themselves created their sickness through their choice of food.
Imagine the freedom of not needing to explain why you’re eating a meal of fruit. Or why you’re only having a salad with some cooked greens. Not needing to explain why you refuse to get an inhuman and ineffective medical procedure to “stay safe” and comply with the status quo.
The Prof. Arnold Ehret Day Celebration allows us to experience what it’s like to exist with others who “get it.” Others who desire a higher quality of life. Who no how much better it feels to be sober, mentally awake, and sharp at all times.
Each year, we create the blueprint for the future of humanity. Humans MUST come in this direction or perish. As a species, we defy Nature’s rules at every turn. But, we will not be permitted to exist like this forever.
At the Ehret Day Celebration, we show that it is possible to create a path back to paradise on Earth, and that it starts with coming together and learning to control what we put into our bodies.
Pus- and mucus-forming foods destroy our bodies, minds, and spirits. At the Ehret Day Celebration, we show what it is like to live a life free of defilement. Rising above the sickness and diseases directly resulting from eating pus- and mucus-forming foods.
So, on July 30-31, we will come together to celebrate the life’s work of Prof. Arnold Ehret, connect with like-minded souls, and build our futures together.
On July 28-29, 2018, Prof. Spira & Brother Air of Mucus-free Life LLC brought together over 40 people to celebrate the legacy of Prof. Arnold Ehret (born c. July 25, 1866) and his Mucusless Diet Healing System. The event took place in Prof. Spira's backyard and featured five speakers, two musical acts, a food-prep demonstration, a community juice party, and more! Several participants left inspired, saying that the experience CHANGED THEIR LIVES!
Then, on July 27-28, 2019, we came together with almost 60 people at the Whetstone Park of Roses for an epic event. After being forced to cancel the event in 2020 (due to that which will not be mentioned), we came back strong with last year's event at the Antrim Park Shelterhouse with the participation of over 70 people.
But, none of these Ehret Day Celebrations would have happened without the help of supporters from our GoFundMe Campaigns.
Check out the trailer with footage from the first event:
In 2019 we raised over $12,000 to make this monumental event happen. In 2021 we raised $10,000. Now, WE NEED YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT to take it to the next level!
Stylish New Location
This year we will have the event at the stylish and hip Wild Goose Creative art gallery and event space in Columbus, Ohio, USA, on Saturday, July 30, and the Whetstone Park of Roses on Sunday.
World-Class Speakers
In 2018, all of the speakers and performers lived within 100 miles of the event location. In 2019, in addition to Prof. Spira, Brother Air, and Tekoa, we flew in two remarkable mucus-free speakers. We were able to cover their travel expenses, lodging, etc., with the money that we raised. In 2021, we were honored to have Dr. Robert Morse, and Chef Babette Davis join us.
We are in the process of booking our speakers. But, a sneak peek at two of them: First, we’ll have the stuntman and athlete Eli Martyr of the Freemelon Society in the building! He is a freak athlete with tremendous insights on the importance of combining physical fitness with the Mucusless Diet.
We are also excited to have physical fitness coach and vegan restaurant owner Johnny Gonzalez for the second time. This year, he is going to discuss the tragic kidnapping of his two children (including a newborn baby) by California’s “Child Protective Services” (CPS). He will share vital information with the Mucus-free community on how to protect our children and families from these evil and corrupt, pus-eating sociopaths who will take the newborn baby out of the hands of a loving mother and capable parents.
World-Class Art & Music
We plan to have a roster of world-class musicians, dancers, and artists participate in this event. It is important to us to be able to compensate these artists for their time and expertise adequately. If we aspire to change the world, we must change THE CULTURE. And artists and musicians are critical for shaping the communication that makes this possible.
LOCATION: Wild Goose Creative Art Gallery and Events Space, and Whetstone Park of Roses Outdoor Shelterhouse
Wild Goose Creative
188 McDowell St
Columbus, OH 43215
Whetstone Park
3901 N. High St.
Columbus, Ohio
The Whetstone Park of Roses is a beautiful park with a gorgeous rose garden and surrounding woods for exploring.
We have several world-class speakers that we hope to confirm for our event. Although some of the speakers live within 100 miles of the event location, several speakers we'd like to bring in are as much as 2,360 miles away (3,798 km), and outside of the United States!
Prof. Spira is an author, jazz trombonist, ethnomusicologist, founder of Mucus-free Life LLC, and one of the most sought-after experts on Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System in the world. He has worked tirelessly to revive the works of Arnold Ehret and has helped thousands of people learn how to transition toward a mucus-free lifestyle.
Tekoa Tafari is a long-term practitioner of Prof. Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System. She has practiced the Mucusless Diet for over 46 years, and has raised children on the Mucus-free Lifestyle. She is one of the foremost experts on "Mucus-free Motherhood" and the mucus-free female body.
Eli Martyr is an Independent researcher, Self-taught Natural Hygienist, Educator and Professional Stuntman. Athletics played a significant role in Eli's development. With a strong foundation in gymnastics, martial arts and other sports, the spark for a lifelong interest in all things health affirming was lit. After obtaining a degree in Kinesiology and Health Sciences at York University, Eli, being unsatisfied with what the university had taught him, took his real education into his own hands. While his career as a stuntman was in its infancy, Eli dedicated vast swaths of free time-consuming literature on all subjects, including Pre-history, Hidden History, Social Engineering, Natural Law/science and hygiene, Spiritual dynamics, government Corruption, Psychological warfare, and more. Eventually, with health and wellness of the body as the subject of particular interest, Eli created his youtube channel: "The Freemelon Society" where he shares transformational content with the public.
Johnny Gonzalez is a physical fitness coach and personal trainer with over 25 years of professional experience. He is a detoxification specialist and Mucusless Diet Healing System Practitioner who recently opened the first vegan restaurant in Tulare County in California. He tragically had both of his children kidnapped (including a newborn baby) by California’s “Child Protective Services” (CPS). He will share vital information with the Mucus-free community on how to protect our children and families from these evil, corrupt, and unlawful institutions that seek to attack and discredit naturopathy and plant-based living.
Brother Air (aka Willie Smart Jr.) is a professional jazz drummer, percussionist, long-term Mucusless Diet Healing System practitioner, fasting expert, and visionary. As an educator, he has personally taught hundreds how to practice the Mucusless Diet, and his innovations and advocacy has inspired hundreds of thousands to consider traveling down the mucus-free path.
We have some great musicians, dancers, and artists that we would like to perform at the event.
Prof. Spira & Brother Air: Fire Music Project creates music that helps you burn away the smelly waste from your soul. Their music is about liberation. They look back at the music triumphs of the ancestors while pushing the music forward. The collective captivates audiences with their palpable creativity, superb musicianship, intense groove, and fascinating instrumentation.
The smartest, most spiritually advanced, best-looking, and successful people in the world know a few secrets:
- “Fire Music” can unlock your soul’s potential to heal
- “Fire Music” can lead to elevated states of consciousness
- “Fire Music” will exorcise the rotten demons from your body, mind, and spirit
- Toxic & low-frequency music must be replaced with music based on love, discipline, and refinement
- “Fire Music” will help you feel better than you’ve ever felt
- Help to connect you with your purpose
- Give you the strength and community to thrive and elevate in these insane times
Check them out:
As we started to put together the budget for this year's event, we quickly realized that we needed help to pull off our vision. The new location, out-of-town speakers, improved meals, more music & art, etc., expenses for the 2022 adds up quick!
Here is an overview of the budget:
Venue (location rental, permit, & AV Staff) = $1,400
Food / Beverage (Includes food for the day and an evening meal) = $2,200
Event Programming (Speakers, performers, video/audio production, graphics, etc.) = $3,000
Travel (Speakers & Special Guests) = $2,000
Attendee / Guest Services (Transportation, lodging, swag bags) = $225
Registration (signage, ID Production) = $125
Communications (Event packet production, flyers, etc.) = $270
Public Relations (Announcements, graphics, press releases, marketing, postage, etc.) = $500
Programs (Production) = $500
Sponsors & Volunteers (complimentary passes) = $1,650
Décor (Stage lighting, decorations, signage) $500
Event Documentation (Professional photographer, videographer, audio engineer) = $1,000
Stage equipment (PA system, microphones, etc.) = Most of the needed equipment will be donated.
You may ask, won't ticket sales pay for the event? Ticket sales will defray the costs a bit, but we would like to make the ticket prices as reasonably priced as possible so more people can come. And it is impossible to predict how many people will purchase a ticket. Without funding for proper advertising, we may only get a handful of people. Thus, we need money to get enough people to simply break even.
Here is how much tickets would need to cost to break even with our current budget:
40 attendees = $346 per ticket
50 attendees = $278 per ticket
60 attendees = $231 per ticket
80 attendees = $175 per ticket
(We have a limited number of 80 tickets available (20 are already gone)!
Without money to advertise properly, attendance numbers could be much lower than 40. And, yes we could nickle & dime the program to make it cheap. But, we've come a long way since the humble beginnings in Prof. Spira's backyard.
Our desire is to put on a world-class event that honors Ehret's legacy, fosters community, and shares Ehret's message with thousands. Although a limited number of people can attend, the repercussions of what happens at the celebration can affect millions!
We cannot pull off this event without your help!
Your donation or sponsorship of this event will not only make it happen but will help us promote Arnold Ehret's message to a broader audience. And with our plans to have it professionally documented, individuals who were unable to attend will be able to eventually experience the content, which will live on and inspire generations!
Here are gifts you will receive in appreciation for your donation.
As a 'Thank You' for Your Help
$10 donation - Our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation.
$20 donation - free PDF download of the Annotated, Revised, and Edited Mucusless Diet Healing System
$50 donation - free PDF download of the Ultimate Digital Mucus-free Book Bundle as well as access to Ultimate Ehret Day Video Library (includes the Annotated Mucusless Diet, Spira Speaks, Rational Fasting, Definite Cure of Chronic Constipation, Physical Fitness, Thus Speaketh the Stomach, Spira's Notes; Total Value: $197)
$75 donation - all of the above, plus you will be the first to access the new "Rational Fasting" audiobook, voiced by Prof. Spira, projected to be released this summer.
$100 donation - all of the above plus a 15 minute phone call and/or video chat with Prof. Spira & Brother Air
$250 donation - all of the above plus a 45 minute Mucusless Diet consultation/coaching session with Prof. Spira and Brother Air.
$350 donation - Receive a VIP FULL ACCESS ticket to the 4th Annual Ehret Day Celebration (invitation to the exclusive planner's after-parties, and a signed copy of the Annotated Mucusless Diet by Prof. Spira.).
$400 donation - Upon approval, we will place an ad for your business in our program. Or, you can opt to take one of the earlier gift packages.
$750-$1200 donation *SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY* - Upon approval, your company or brand will be featured as a sponsor of the Ehret Day event. Upon request, as a sponsor, your logo will appear on all of our event-related web pages, advertisements, programs, etc. It will also be announced in marketing materials and listed on media materials created from the event posted to social media and elsewhere online. A company banner can be posted and visible at the Ehret Day event if you have a company banner.
Prof. Spira has worked hard to build a strong network of fans and followers and currently has over 100,000 combined followers/subscribers across social media and on his private mailing list. Once all of the event's details are finalized, Ehret Day will be vigorously marketed to Spira's network and beyond, exposing your brand or business to thousands.
Also, you may be able to write your sponsorship off as a business expense on your organization's taxes (this is not legal or tax advice. Please consult with your accountant or lawyer to see if you can do this).
Thus, it is a win-win! Be a part of making this magnificent historical event happen, gain community goodwill and visibility for your brand/business, and potentially get a tax break.
Let's make history together!
Thank you so much for your time!
If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a sponsor and would like to meet with Prof. Spira to discuss details further, CLICK HERE to view our contact page.
We truly appreciate your help!
Fundraising team (2)
Prof. Spira
Columbus, OH
Kyrene Robles
Team member