Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Prof Javier Vasquez Cancer Relief

Spende geschützt

Professor Javier Vazquez was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. A stage 3 tumor was removed. He is extremely ill and experiencing a number of life obstacles on top of embarking on 6 months of chemotherapy. 

Once his immune system is up for the task, he will go through 6 grueling months of chemo in CA. Funds will be needed immediately.  These funds will not only help cover the expenses of his medical treatments, but also assist in any additional expenses as he has decided to step away from his Jiu-Jitsu academy to focus on his health and recent divorce battle.

We also ask for prayers for Professor Javier, his two kids, and his family in this trying time. Messages are welcome as well. Professor Javier's current situation is very dire. Your donations are so greatly appreciated. Va con dios.


  • Bruce Wayne
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jenifer Hordinski
Denver, CO
Javier Vazquez

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