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Project LOD for T1D

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The League of DiAthletes (LOD) are striving to create a world where diabetes education is accessible, relatable and empowering in every location from the patient perspective. We are connecting the world as 1 in living with type 1 and have assembled a  global team of type 1 diabetes advocates and created an alliance of grassroots diabetes organizations.

Recently members of the LOD team took on the Central American Rainforest in #T1DGlobal19 trekking & surviving the challenge, we've also had a member of the team living with type 1 diabetes run 25 marathons in 1 month around the United Kingdom and now... we are sharing the #BlueDance for global type 1 awareness of injection / insertion / glucose testing sites by taking on the Macarena / Insulina dance and challenging the world to keep it moving online! What are we crowdfunding for? In acting on our mission for diabetes education, LOD aims to host a global training delegation of type 1 diabetes advocates diversely from around the world, who can gain key skills to produce effective educational outcomes and advocate for positive change in healthcare advances in this cause, community after community. Thank you for your support.    

The Blue Dance: 

Here are some photos of LOD's work: 

#T1DGlobal19: 14 team members, 11 living with type 1 diabetes, trekked the rainforests of Costa Rica in high humidity and heavy rainfall! 

Global Impact: partnering organizations from around the world:

(Sonia Nabeta Foundation making education camps in Uganda)

(Asociacion Dia Vida, in Costa Rica, reaching the schools & workplaces with the 'EDPD' program, education in diabetes from people with diabetes)

(Casa de la Diabetes, Ecuador, community days - practical sessions to share diabetes experiences & work together)

(Education with Encouragement: Diabetes in India Youth in Action (DIYA) in Delhi, India, sociable education events such as the 'Diwali Meet)

(Get active with education: Meethi Zindagi in Pakistan bring diabetes communities together to learn with active engagement) 

(Hypo Squats: Sports Clinics by DiAthlete create games for young people with type 1 diabetes to learn the meaning of their condition)

(Diabetes Ambassadors Program in Kuwait: DAP got the whole community active with a 5K event whilst sharing talks and warm ups to spread awareness of type 1 diabetes)


  • Peter Adolfsson
    • £100
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam: League of DiAthletes (2)

Gavin Griffiths
Mohammad Al-Bahar
Team member

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