Coronavirus...Ayuda para el personal sanitario
Donation protected
(English Below) Amnistía Internacional ha reconocido que el porcentaje mas alto de sanitarios infectados con el Covid-19 se encuentra en España. Un 15% de los infectados en España es personal sanitario. Son los que dejan su piel por salvar a nuestros seres queridos. Por falta de protección como mascarillas, batas, guantes y hasta geles desinfectantes, nuestros sanitarios corren riesgo y ven peligrar su vida cada día. No les olvidemos.
Sin nuestros sanitarios el sistema colapsará y el numero de fallecidos incrementará. Estemos más unidos que nunca y acabemos con esta pesadilla para volver a abrazarnos todos.
Este dinero va directamente a los hospitales públicos de la Provincia de Malaga, Sevilla y Granada. Con el dinero podrán comprar los equipos de EPI que necesitan. Esto incluye mascarillas, batas, protector de cara y geles desinfectantes. No pasa por ninguna ente gubernamental.
Cada granito de arena cuenta.
International Amnesty has recognised that the highest percentage of Covid-19 infected healthcare workers can be found in Spain. 15% of the infections in Spain are healthcare workers. They are the ones working around the clock to save the lives of our loved ones. Due to a lack of personal protection equipment, our health care workers run the risk of endangering their lives each day. Let's not forget about them.
Without our healthcare workers, the sanitary system will collapse and the number of deaths will increase. We are more united than ever so let's end this nightmare already and hug each other all again.
This money goes straight to the public hospitals in the province of Malaga, Sevilla & Granada. With this money they will be able to buy the necessary personal protection equipment they so desperately need at the moment.
The money will not go through any government administrations.
Every little action counts.
Sin nuestros sanitarios el sistema colapsará y el numero de fallecidos incrementará. Estemos más unidos que nunca y acabemos con esta pesadilla para volver a abrazarnos todos.
Este dinero va directamente a los hospitales públicos de la Provincia de Malaga, Sevilla y Granada. Con el dinero podrán comprar los equipos de EPI que necesitan. Esto incluye mascarillas, batas, protector de cara y geles desinfectantes. No pasa por ninguna ente gubernamental.
Cada granito de arena cuenta.
International Amnesty has recognised that the highest percentage of Covid-19 infected healthcare workers can be found in Spain. 15% of the infections in Spain are healthcare workers. They are the ones working around the clock to save the lives of our loved ones. Due to a lack of personal protection equipment, our health care workers run the risk of endangering their lives each day. Let's not forget about them.
Without our healthcare workers, the sanitary system will collapse and the number of deaths will increase. We are more united than ever so let's end this nightmare already and hug each other all again.
This money goes straight to the public hospitals in the province of Malaga, Sevilla & Granada. With this money they will be able to buy the necessary personal protection equipment they so desperately need at the moment.
The money will not go through any government administrations.
Every little action counts.
Astrid Mincberg
Estepona, AN