Protect Kids From Family Court #936MilesForMercy
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What is 936 Miles For Mercy?
Sara Moore is walking 936 miles to the White House to raise awareness about the number of children being murdered in family court. We are protesting in Washington DC from October 21-25, 2023. Visit the Facebook to learn more and RSVP:
Every protestor is encouraged to wear a set of wings - We hope to have 1,000 people in demonstration with wings to visually show the number of children who have been murdered.
More info about the cause:
1) More than 936 children have been murdered since 2008 where child custody, visitation, child support and separation were mentioned in the news.
2) Of the 936 child murders, nearly 150 of them have been murdered as a DIRECT result of family court. Each year, the family court orders 58,000 children into visitation or custody of domestic violence perpetrators.
3) Protective parents and their children are punished in family court when they report abuse. The Meier 2020 study shows that parents to report sexual abuse lose custody of their child to the perpetrator 75% of the time - YES - you read that right. If a parent reports other abuses, they lose custody 50% of the time. Abuse is a crime and should NOT be handled in family court systems where processes are setup to profit off the backs of victims of abuse.
Please help us spread awareness to keep our children safe and alive.
A note from Sara:
I’m Protesting Against Family Court Practices that Kill Families by Hiking 936 Miles For Mercy, a mile for every child m’d from the family court crisis. Protest in DC October 21-25.
Our demands (links in comments) DECLARE A NATIONAL EMERGENCY to release funds to implement appropriate approaches to family violence:
1. Implement a multidisciplinary approach to dv and child abuse that is backed by research (The Safe Child Act)
2. Add "coercive control" to the definition of domestic violence
3. Investigate the AFCC, follow the money
4. Ban the use of Parental Alienation defense to domestic violence
5. Ban joint custody presumption
6. End Judicial immunity
Let's see justice for children BEFORE they are put in a grave! #JusticeForAvett and all children who are still alive, who are currently suffering domestic violence #JusticeForALL #BringOurKidsHomeAlive #SendThemHomeNOW
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936 Miles For Mercy Campaign
Columbus, OH