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Provide Baby Formula To Desperate UK Parents

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I’m fundraising to provide cash to baby banks and food banks all over the UK so they can buy tins of infant formula for desperate parents who are unable to afford it. 

This week, a report on
Sky News showed a number of support services where they are now being forced to ration infant formula because demand is rocketing due to the cost of living crisis. I’ll be brutally honest here - I’m not interested in arguing the toss with the usual suspects on here who scream ‘can’t feed, don’t breed.’

The harsh reality here is that innocent babies never deserve to suffer. 

Because of UNICEF guidelines that are supported by the UK government, some food banks, baby banks and similar will provide formula, while others will not. Therefore, I figured that the easiest way to support those that are providing infant formula across the UK would be to fundraise and then allocate ‘microgrants’ of sorts to those who get in touch. 

I recently did something similar with my ‘
Maccies Without Malice’ appeal that raised £21,392 that was allocated to food banks all over the UK so that families could take their kids to McDonald’s. Again, I had a fair few ‘screamy shouties’ about that one, but again not a toss was given.
For compliance and monitoring reasons, full records will be provided to GoFundMe regarding the allocation of funds, in a similar manner to the previous appeal mentioned above. 

Thanks for your support!


UPDATE: Friday 13th October 2023

Thanks for all of your amazing support, donations, shares, likes and comments! In less than a week, we’ve already passed £41,000 and it’s still climbing.

 I had no idea that it was going to get so big so quickly (ooo err), and so I’ve spent the last few days speaking to a registered charity who will handle applications for ‘microgrants’ from food banks, baby banks and other organisations to buy formula for their parents in need.

We’re just sorting out the final legal / accounting details now and I’ll make an official announcement soon. Thanks again, Simon x

UPDATE: Monday 16th October 2023

£50.000 raised! I’m delighted to say that a charity have come on board to help issue grants from the funds raised. Full details in the main update below. 

UPDATE: Monday 13th November 2023

BIG THANKS to Sky News who came and recorded a piece about this appeal and how we’re getting the formula to local food and baby banks!



  • Anonym
    • 20 £
    • 1 Jahr
  • Susan Cummings
    • 10 £
    • 1 Jahr
  • Anonym
    • 5 £
    • 1 Jahr
  • Steven Mellor
    • 20 £
    • 1 Jahr
  • Sarah Ridgeon
    • 30 £
    • 1 Jahr


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