PSLA Food Bank- Covid Response & Moving Fund
Tax deductible
Hello Everyone!
PSLA Food Bank needs to find a new home!
As some of you might already know from our feature on King 5 news, PSLA Food Bank is searching for a new place to call home. The building we have resided in for the past 45 years has been sold and we have until March 2021 to find a new place. We are hopeful to find a new space within our current Belltown community. We have looked at several locations, but they have all been double the price that we are currently paying and is in need of a major revamp to fit our community’s capacity needs. The location that we are really interested in will need a decent amount of tenant improvements that will need to be taken care of prior to moving in. The electrical work is one of the major improvements that will need to be addressed. We need to be able to have the capacity to occupy 15 industrial fridges and freezers used for storage and the capability of installing a walk-in freezer that was donated to us by Ludi’s Diner.
In this fundraiser, PSLA Food Bank is looking to raise money for our big move and raise funding to keep us going. We are looking to cover electrical and security renovation costs to the new building, security deposit including 1st and last month’s rent, moving/labor expenditures and donations that we are missing from our fundraising events due to the pandemic.
As an essential service, we continue to work, distributing groceries, hygiene items, and ready-to-eat packed bags to ensure no one in our community ever goes to bed hungry. Since March we have distributed over 225,000 lbs. of food to over 10,000 visitors - neighbors and community members who rely on our services each week. State shelter-in-place policies meant we were unable to host our regular schedule of summer fundraisers. Each year events like the fishing derby, golf tournament, and dinners allow us to connect with new our new and existing supporters as well as raise funds for our programs, including the food bank, our wheelchair ramp program (RAMP), our pre-apprenticeship meal program with ANEW, and our support for local college food pantries. United we stand, the stronger we shall prevail! Your contribution will make it possible for us to continue this work. Let's fight hunger and inequality in our community one person at a time!
For more information about PSLA and our services visit our website or Facebook and Twitter pages. Thank you!
Lauren Au-Yeung
Administrative Assistant

PSLA is a small non-profit (4 man operation). We will use your Go Fund Me donations to continue operating at pre-covid19 levels, while seeking new grants and funding sources to grow, hire more staff, and implement new avenues of delivering food to our community.
Many of our clients are high risk. The majority of them are low income, older than 60, handicapped or have pre-existing health conditions that put them in a vulnerable position. Since the outset virus, we have seen a decrease in our weekly visits which tells us a lot of our clients are potentially hungrier without our supplemental help which is very disheartening.

More information about Puget Sound Labor Agency AFL-CIO:
Puget Sound Labor Agency is a food bank, located on 1st and Clay in the Seattle Belltown neighborhood. Our focus is on making deeper connections with our clients, including communities of color, people with disabilities, and youth for the past 45 years. Our goal is to provide/supplement nutritious food to low-income individuals and households, with 97% of our clientele earning less than $17,500 a year. We currently distribute food three times a week to an average of 2,815 individuals each month. During the 2018/2019 fiscal year, we served over 65,000 people and provided over 600,000 lbs. of food to our community.
We are in a unique position to provide food security to these priority populations, as well as act as a community resource that can help connect families and individuals to other services like SNAP benefits, health care, and tax assistance.

PSLA Food Bank needs to find a new home!
As some of you might already know from our feature on King 5 news, PSLA Food Bank is searching for a new place to call home. The building we have resided in for the past 45 years has been sold and we have until March 2021 to find a new place. We are hopeful to find a new space within our current Belltown community. We have looked at several locations, but they have all been double the price that we are currently paying and is in need of a major revamp to fit our community’s capacity needs. The location that we are really interested in will need a decent amount of tenant improvements that will need to be taken care of prior to moving in. The electrical work is one of the major improvements that will need to be addressed. We need to be able to have the capacity to occupy 15 industrial fridges and freezers used for storage and the capability of installing a walk-in freezer that was donated to us by Ludi’s Diner.
In this fundraiser, PSLA Food Bank is looking to raise money for our big move and raise funding to keep us going. We are looking to cover electrical and security renovation costs to the new building, security deposit including 1st and last month’s rent, moving/labor expenditures and donations that we are missing from our fundraising events due to the pandemic.
As an essential service, we continue to work, distributing groceries, hygiene items, and ready-to-eat packed bags to ensure no one in our community ever goes to bed hungry. Since March we have distributed over 225,000 lbs. of food to over 10,000 visitors - neighbors and community members who rely on our services each week. State shelter-in-place policies meant we were unable to host our regular schedule of summer fundraisers. Each year events like the fishing derby, golf tournament, and dinners allow us to connect with new our new and existing supporters as well as raise funds for our programs, including the food bank, our wheelchair ramp program (RAMP), our pre-apprenticeship meal program with ANEW, and our support for local college food pantries. United we stand, the stronger we shall prevail! Your contribution will make it possible for us to continue this work. Let's fight hunger and inequality in our community one person at a time!
For more information about PSLA and our services visit our website or Facebook and Twitter pages. Thank you!
Lauren Au-Yeung
Administrative Assistant

PSLA is a small non-profit (4 man operation). We will use your Go Fund Me donations to continue operating at pre-covid19 levels, while seeking new grants and funding sources to grow, hire more staff, and implement new avenues of delivering food to our community.
Many of our clients are high risk. The majority of them are low income, older than 60, handicapped or have pre-existing health conditions that put them in a vulnerable position. Since the outset virus, we have seen a decrease in our weekly visits which tells us a lot of our clients are potentially hungrier without our supplemental help which is very disheartening.

More information about Puget Sound Labor Agency AFL-CIO:
Puget Sound Labor Agency is a food bank, located on 1st and Clay in the Seattle Belltown neighborhood. Our focus is on making deeper connections with our clients, including communities of color, people with disabilities, and youth for the past 45 years. Our goal is to provide/supplement nutritious food to low-income individuals and households, with 97% of our clientele earning less than $17,500 a year. We currently distribute food three times a week to an average of 2,815 individuals each month. During the 2018/2019 fiscal year, we served over 65,000 people and provided over 600,000 lbs. of food to our community.
We are in a unique position to provide food security to these priority populations, as well as act as a community resource that can help connect families and individuals to other services like SNAP benefits, health care, and tax assistance.

Lauren Au-Yeung
Seattle, WA
Puget Sound Labor Agency AFL-CIO