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My name is Psychic Reverend Donna Seraphina. I am a legally ordained Spiritualist Reverend in the United States. I am a certified medium with (Spirit communicator) with a high accuracy rating. I grew up with a psychic knowing and spirit communication abilities. After the death of my daughter Nicole in 2011, I began a full time quest to find my daughter and explore the world of Spirit.
I have studied extensively with the worlds strongest psychic mediums, as well as my local spiritualist churches to bring a total of approximately 6,000 hours of study and practice.
I have done over 2,000 recorded readings and it is often when people are in a state of severe grief or trauma that I can help them. I have never asked for money from anybody who I have offered my services. If somebody comes to me asking for a reading, I feel okay to ask for payment. But, so many people I see are in such severe stress and trauma that I do offer to help them free of charge.
However, I do need to eat and pay rent and I would like to be able to continue my path of service and compassion without asking a grieving person to open their wallet.
In addition, my background with a bachelor degree in criminal justice, and years of social work has led to the perfect combination to help with missing persons and unsolved murders. People in this type of situation are often in a severe state of distress and to ask them for money at the same time as offering help does not feel right. I am asking for your help now so I can continue my work as a Reverend, helping people who are grieving or lost.
I have been holding psychic and mediumship development circles for five years where dozens of the mediums in my county have come to strengthen their skills and/or to feel the healing energy in the room that blossoms out during this practice of a group opening to communicating with spirit. These groups will be coming soon online where anybody in the world can take part. I have been so busy helping grieving people that I have not had time to set this up now, and I do need financial assistance to continue my work.
I have been teaching mediumship weekly for five years. Donna is also available for public speaking, specialty classes and other presentations and workshops. Please refer to my website or contact me for more information on this.
As an ordained minister, certified energy healer, and former social worker, as well as a mother who has experienced the loss of a child, I brings a special gift of sharing love and healing that is unmatched.
I will be adding classes in spiritual awareness and development online that you can take from anywhere in the world.
I am a published author, "Motherhood to Mediumship" by Donna Lambert (maiden name). This book is about my journey opening to my own spiritual gifts after the death of my daughter Nicole and illustrates the different techniques and experiences on her pathway that led first to healing herself and then to helping others connect with their own loved ones in spirit. I love helping parents find healing that comes with connecting with their children who have passed before them. I also really love doing readings and I love mediumship. Even if I won the lottery I would still be doing the same thing. I would simply just purchase a small chapel in my area of town for people to meet. Other than that I would not change what I am doing and I love every minute of it.
A famous medium once told me that, " if we could prove to the world that the world of spirit exists, that many of the problems in the world would work themselves out." I took that to heart in my journey towards becoming a Spiritualist Reverend.
My mission now is to share what I have learned.
I have never channeled a spirit that said, "Oh, I have moved on". I have never channeled a spirit that said, "I got on with things. I am not feeling the need to talk anymore."
Every single spirit person I have ever had the joy of connecting with does want to communicate. Every single spirit person who has been murdered wants justice, and I have never come across a single one who did not actively want justice. If a physical person has been murdered and they person who has done it has not been held accountable, they are all adamant about providing information as to what happened to them, in an effort to seek justice. Again, my background with a bachelor degree in criminal justice and working as a social worker in that field (juvenile parole, and victim advocate, teacher, trainer, and project manager) gives me an exceptional ability to go through the information with the spirit person and obtain valuable information.
When I do mediumship these spirits are extremely happy to communicate once again. I can feel their excitement during every reading I do.
Below is an example of my work, You can check out that you tube channel for much more.
I have studied extensively with the worlds strongest psychic mediums, as well as my local spiritualist churches to bring a total of approximately 6,000 hours of study and practice.
I have done over 2,000 recorded readings and it is often when people are in a state of severe grief or trauma that I can help them. I have never asked for money from anybody who I have offered my services. If somebody comes to me asking for a reading, I feel okay to ask for payment. But, so many people I see are in such severe stress and trauma that I do offer to help them free of charge.
However, I do need to eat and pay rent and I would like to be able to continue my path of service and compassion without asking a grieving person to open their wallet.
In addition, my background with a bachelor degree in criminal justice, and years of social work has led to the perfect combination to help with missing persons and unsolved murders. People in this type of situation are often in a severe state of distress and to ask them for money at the same time as offering help does not feel right. I am asking for your help now so I can continue my work as a Reverend, helping people who are grieving or lost.
I have been holding psychic and mediumship development circles for five years where dozens of the mediums in my county have come to strengthen their skills and/or to feel the healing energy in the room that blossoms out during this practice of a group opening to communicating with spirit. These groups will be coming soon online where anybody in the world can take part. I have been so busy helping grieving people that I have not had time to set this up now, and I do need financial assistance to continue my work.
I have been teaching mediumship weekly for five years. Donna is also available for public speaking, specialty classes and other presentations and workshops. Please refer to my website or contact me for more information on this.
As an ordained minister, certified energy healer, and former social worker, as well as a mother who has experienced the loss of a child, I brings a special gift of sharing love and healing that is unmatched.
I will be adding classes in spiritual awareness and development online that you can take from anywhere in the world.
I am a published author, "Motherhood to Mediumship" by Donna Lambert (maiden name). This book is about my journey opening to my own spiritual gifts after the death of my daughter Nicole and illustrates the different techniques and experiences on her pathway that led first to healing herself and then to helping others connect with their own loved ones in spirit. I love helping parents find healing that comes with connecting with their children who have passed before them. I also really love doing readings and I love mediumship. Even if I won the lottery I would still be doing the same thing. I would simply just purchase a small chapel in my area of town for people to meet. Other than that I would not change what I am doing and I love every minute of it.
A famous medium once told me that, " if we could prove to the world that the world of spirit exists, that many of the problems in the world would work themselves out." I took that to heart in my journey towards becoming a Spiritualist Reverend.
My mission now is to share what I have learned.
I have never channeled a spirit that said, "Oh, I have moved on". I have never channeled a spirit that said, "I got on with things. I am not feeling the need to talk anymore."
Every single spirit person I have ever had the joy of connecting with does want to communicate. Every single spirit person who has been murdered wants justice, and I have never come across a single one who did not actively want justice. If a physical person has been murdered and they person who has done it has not been held accountable, they are all adamant about providing information as to what happened to them, in an effort to seek justice. Again, my background with a bachelor degree in criminal justice and working as a social worker in that field (juvenile parole, and victim advocate, teacher, trainer, and project manager) gives me an exceptional ability to go through the information with the spirit person and obtain valuable information.
When I do mediumship these spirits are extremely happy to communicate once again. I can feel their excitement during every reading I do.
Below is an example of my work, You can check out that you tube channel for much more.
Juliana Witkoff
San Diego, CA