Stray puppies & dogs struggle to survive need food
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We like to share you the story of a little town that needs an emergency help in Turkey for 300 stray dogs and puppies. The situation of stray dogs in Turkey is very tragic and complex for various reasons mainly due to a lack of spay/neuter resources. The dogs in the landfill are just not fit for adoption. The landfill is the refuge of the forgotten, the sick, and the unfortunate.
There is an urgent plea to save some forgotten souls... Your kind donation will mean the difference between life and death for unwanted stray dogs in desperate need in this landfill. Many of the puppies and dogs have been dumped here by the City and locals. Many of the puppies are dumped without their mothers. Many of the older dogs are sick and injured and just discarded like trash! They eat, drink and live in a dangerous toxic environment. There is rescuers on the ground but they have no resources to improve their lives without our help!No matter how large or small your contribution, it will help fund rescues, provide food and medical care and shelter and so much more
Whenever you choose to donate, whether today or any other time, please know that our ability to rescue, rehabilitate and fight for the animals, would be impossible without you.
The rescuers don’t have deep pockets. But they do have big hearts. They go to landfill every day to feed them. We need donations for food and treatments first.
The cold winter will soon be gone but then comes the rain and heat so the need for shelters is year round and now we need shelters for these babies, and injured dogs. Without friends like you, they would have no source of outside help at all.
These funds will be used to buy 100 dog houses and 3 large enclosure to keep the puppies and weak safe and protected medical care that is urgently needed food and blankets.
In the summer we bought 31 dog houses and one large enclosure. But that is not enough for 300 dogs. We have lots of disabled dogs and tons of puppies and they die when exposed to the elements. The snow freezes them and the sun dehydrates them. They need proper shelters, they deserve proper shelters.
Our goal is big but their needs are great please help change their lives today! Please help us change the live of these pups for the better!
Consider making their dreams come true and donate a small amount to them today.
Thank you and God bless!!
Stray Beautiful Limited