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Help Jessica Bingham and her boys

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There has been a lot of love and support for Jessica Bingham. I have come to know that her Fiance passed away a few years ago from a work accident leaving her with their two boys as a single mother.

Today (February 15, 2016) she was in a crucial car accident herself and she needs your help more than ever. Please donate to her and her family in this time of need. 

I am hosting this fund and will deliver the money with anyone who wants to join me when the goal is hit. Every penny will be donated to her.

Love all of you and your kindness! Let's show her love.

Her Mother Denice Okey and Daniel Paniagua are both going to manage the gofundme account, any questions you have, reach out to us.


  • Anonym
    • $135
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Danny Paniagua
West Jordan, UT
Jessica Bingham

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