OUr fundraising page will remain open until we hit our target, we are in the process of organising future events to help us reach our 20K goal, we are very grateful for all the support with the skydive, please continue to follow us & our progress.
August 2015 we will be having a festival for adults with Learning dissabilties
' Little Smugglers Secret Yard Party '
with live music, BBQ, Bar, Facepainting , prizes * give aways & much more so watch this space :)
Thursday 2nd April, National Autism Awareness Day,
Hayley Wilkins, Lydia Barnard, Harry Smith & Graham Carter ( who lives at little Smugglers) will be doing a skydive at 12,000 @ Headcorn in Kent at 10am.
- All money raised is going towards #Littlesmugglerssensoryroom
So far we have raised nearrly £7,000.
Please donate & support us, help us achieve our goal.
Little Smugglers is a residential home for adults with Learning disabilities & challenging behaviours, providing support for adults with Autism, CDLS, Down syndrome , Aspergers & mental health.
Our aim & goal is to renovate a unused classroom & turn it into a sensory Room/ classroom / cinema & day centre
The benefits of sensory play are well known. They provide an oasis of relaxation which is vital for adults emotional health, a place where they can rest and become interested in their environment. Some will simply lie down and enjoy the magic while for others they will engage in the more interactive areas.
These experiences also provide a myriad of benefits for adults with learning disabilities , encouraging hand and eye coordination, and the development of social and language skills. An overactive adult or distressed adult can be comforted and calmed, an inactive adult become engaged. Sensory rooms are particularly useful for adults with sight or hearing problems or for adults with varying degrees of attention deficiency disorders.
Thank you to everyone who has donated already .
We have a target of 20K this will ensure the project is fully compliant with health & safety regulations, wheelchair accessible, onsite wet room & kitchen facilities.
The Classroom will hold various art & craft activities , a cinema room with projector TV , Bean bags providing an area of relaxation.