Funeral services
Hi All, I’m asking for support to be able to bury my uncle. On Monday July 6th 2020, my uncle was outside of 7/11 on park ave when a car hit him, he was pinned between the store wall and the car. The diver had no insurance unfortunately. For the past week he had been fighting a good fight. He had multiple critical injuries; broken pelvis/leg, broken ribs, his diaphragm needed multiple surgeries, they removed 60% of his liver. He was under heavy sedation, barely being able to move or show signs of life, but he was steady. He got through all the operations like a champ. Unfortunately lastnight he was declared Brain Dead. This hits near and dear to our hearts; if you know the Martinez family we recently lost our mother and grandmother around the same time last year July 20th 2019, they were also hit by a car while crossing a road and didn’t survive.
I am asking for any little bit of financial help with whatever can be donated to us to be able to lay my uncle to rest, he was the one who stepped to the plate and raised me and my two sisters. He also leaves behind his 10 year old son. He was a hard working man with ambitions and with so much love to give.
I appriciate you all for your help during this time. Thank you.