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Help funding treatment for Glaucoma

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Finding cure for Glaucoma & awareness of Eye exam early detection for uninsured. Treatment & Prevention for Myopia & Early education for prevention of children's eye health.

This is a fight for lifetime from our family to yours. We all effected by it being carried a gene of Glaucoma.

WHO 2.2 billion worldwide Myopia could lead to Glaucoma and currently worldwide 80 millions have suffered the same fate. Glaucoma is a silent killer that rely on early detection and education and add into regular physical exam coverage. The loss of vision would not gain back once you have Glaucoma pending on each stage you are in so a specialist is needed to monitor. Whether you are just suspect that may not need for treatment but does require follow up. Our eyes are windows of our souls so we need to start focusing on education and find more resources to stop silent killers steal our life away. Glaucoma also has gene factor as current medical research on stem cell may bring some new exciting discovery. Glaucoma also related to diabatic and still try to find long term study with OB issues. Glaucoma may relate to height and this also need to run through database to support. Certain exercise may add into your IOP that may need to discuss with your specialist. After knowing all the facts then we could start finding prevention program and education resources enable to find the cure by huge database to collect from. Glaucoma also related to race group especially with African American. Somehow recent development Eastern Asian is also high risky group. We should start early by adjust education adding play time and stay away from 3C, pc, laptop, iPad, let our eyes have enough time of rest. Glaucoma also related to sleep issues so you may want to check your sleep Dr. Furthermore, you may want to check on Glaucoma research foundation for all the videos about patients' sharing their journey or some medical research in this field. Welcome you share your Glaucoma story with us and walk your journey with me. Just hope this does not affect my son. Both of us my husband and I have myopia so now my son will be carry high risk been future Glaucoma along with his work being in IT working on screen as his daily job. Glaucoma could have been around us all this time without we even know its exiting.

One-and-a-half million Veterans have a vision threatening eye disease, including 285,000 with glaucoma resources record since 2015 so we would need to get new statistic. This is not just my battlefield but also something greater for innovation. Funding for cure is lifetime work. We hope you would share this story and start this journey with us.

Thanks for past years for your assistance and support. I would really hope that I no longer need any financial assistance. Somehow that still is not the case. This Tuesday I got the news that affect my life again. I am joining 3 millions out there for being a patient of Glaucoma. This is something I could never dream of to deal with. A regular eye exam turned into lifetime nightmare. Due to this exam is from our local county pink card program. I am still not able to be insured on my own yet. Uninsured has putting me through another set of unknown financial burden from further testing and treatment out of pocket cost. I also went to 7 stages of grieving process again, (sad) shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing, then acceptance. Fighting for my battle after listening Glaucoma Research Foundation patients shared their stories as they had walked on my shoes too. They now have different treatment and better management for their life and continue giving back. This is so called silent killer so I no longer want to be silent about it. I want to advocate it not just for myself but also for 70 millions people worldwide. Maybe we are not going to be like ice bucket challenge as ALS. Why do we need to have someone died from illness to pay attention to? Why do we need to having billion people risky for loss vision to start looking for cure? Either I give up or I will keep fighting so I decide to keep fighting with your support with me. After losing three men I loved in my life, my dad, my husband, my Godpa, I need to start fighting on my own. I have much to live up for. I promise to lead my team into USAID contracting, I promise to visit my mom and my family in Taiwan. I promise I want to help other hopeless group as severely disable, 2nd chance act 10M populations, victims of crime for online scam, unsolved murder, etc. If I lost my sight, all of my dream will not be possible. I fight for my own battle and many others like me or will become me someday. This is not only financial burden but emotion and psychologically as well. For you knowing me for so long, you know what I stand for and what my value is. For you not knowing me well, you know I have many dreams. Growing old takes whole village and now you are mine. Thanks so much for your support and continue believing me. Because of you that I am still around. Within that I thank you.

Background: story of us



在寫下這個故事以前, 我必須放下我的自尊, 面子, 為挽救我的家庭, 我必須做這犧牲

當你讀完我的故事, 無論你是否認識我, 我全然地感激, 我們能相遇就是有緣, 是長是短,

一切都是巧妙的安排, 你們全部是我的貴人. 不管什麼, 先謝謝你們!


Save our family

Before writing this story, I have to let go of my self-esteem, face, to save my family, I have to make this sacrifice.

When you finish reading my story, whether you know me or not, I am totally grateful, we can meet each other, it is long, short,

Everything is ingeniously arranged, you are all my nobles. No matter what, thank you first!


Sauvez notre famille

Avant d'écrire cette histoire, je dois abandonner mon amour-propre, mon visage, pour sauver ma famille, je dois faire ce sacrifice.

Quand vous avez fini de lire mon histoire, que vous me connaissiez ou non, je suis totalement reconnaissant, nous pouvons nous rencontrer, c'est long, court,

Tout est ingénieusement arrangé, vous êtes tous mes nobles, quoi qu'il arrive, merci d'abord!


Salva a nuestra familia

Antes de escribir esta historia, tengo que soltar mi autoestima, cara, salvar a mi familia, tengo que hacer este sacrificio.

Cuando termines de leer mi historia, ya sea que me conozcas o no, estoy totalmente agradecido, podemos encontrarnos, es largo, corto,

Todo está arreglado ingeniosamente, ustedes son todos mis nobles. No importa qué, ¡gracias primero!


Rette unsere Familie

Bevor ich diese Geschichte schreibe, muss ich meine Selbstachtung aufgeben, mein Gesicht, um meine Familie zu retten, muss ich dieses Opfer bringen.

Wenn du mit dem Lesen meiner Geschichte fertig bist, ob du mich kennst oder nicht, bin ich total dankbar, wir können uns treffen, es ist lang, kurz,

Alles ist genial arrangiert, ihr seid alle meine Adligen, egal was, danke erstmal!


Salva la nostra famiglia

Prima di scrivere questa storia, devo lasciare andare la mia autostima, il volto, per salvare la mia famiglia, devo fare questo sacrificio.

Quando finisci di leggere la mia storia, che tu mi conosca o no, sono totalmente grato, possiamo incontrarci, è lungo, breve,

Tutto è ingegnosamente organizzato, tu sei tutti i miei nobili, non importa cosa, grazie prima!







우리 가족을 구해라.

이 이야기를 쓰기 전에 나는 내 자존심, 얼굴, 가족을 구하기 위해이 희생을해야만한다.

당신이 내 이야기를 읽었을 때, 당신이 나를 알든 말든, 나는 정말로 감사합니다, 우리는 서로 만날 수 있습니다, 그것은 길고, 짧고,

모든 것은 독창적으로 준비되어 있으며, 당신은 모두 나의 귀족입니다. 무엇보다도, 먼저 감사드립니다!

I came to America to study in 1992 and I graduated from my master degree in 1997. I was planning to return my country. Somehow my plan had changed because I had met my destiny. We got married in 1998 and my son was born in 1999. For these two men I love in my life, I put my DREAM on hold for them so I stayed in America. During these 21 years, our family had met three times financial crisis; first two times we were able to get support from our families and friends with a long journey of financial recovery. This third time financial storm hit us hardest. I don’t know how I am going to survive this time as the first two times I had my father beside me and the third time he is already gone.

My story began with I lost my father from Vasculitis rare disease in December 2016. He was always my spiritual and financial support. He supported me studied aboard till I finished my master degree in CJ. I did not have a chance to say good bye to him as I was helping my son with his college applications so I was unable to fly thousands miles away to see him the last time. This was an important year of my son's life. After I lost my father, I was depressed for a very long time even now and my consulting business is also making big hit by too many competitions since 2017. My company is now hard to get survived. Last year we sold one of our cars to go through our financial crisis, but that is only for less than two months.


我父親在二零一六年診斷得血管炎, 住進醫院之後,兩個月的時間, 痛苦地死去.
我也在二零一八年診斷得荨麻疹性血管炎. 這正是來自於遺傳, 同時也來自於壓力.
請大家詳細閱讀這篇文章, 傳播這資訊, 提早預防, 謝謝你們! 以防止誤診與誤治.


我最害怕的事, 還是發生了

儘管如此, 我必須勇敢面對事實


罕見的病症, 我閱讀許多的資料, 使我更焦躁不安



我祈求神, 我願意折壽來交換他可以多留些時間陪伴我的身邊




昨晚與我爸爸通了電話, 他提到生病了許多個月, 一直被誤診,

直到九月被送進醫院的急診室, 幸好有兩個中國醫藥大學附設醫院的醫生, 努力的搶救,

救回將面臨鬼門關的爸爸, 真地很感激他們, 想必那時一旁的弟弟, 一定焦躁不安,

爸爸提到有兩個在他之前的病人, 都已經救不回來了,

爸爸在急診室時, 吐許多的血, 他感受前所未有的痛苦, 他講到這裡, 我已經放聲大哭,

然而爸爸反過來安慰我, 他說他已經好很多, 他又說因為他的體質比較好,

所以他可以撐過來, 他還是很樂觀地面對他的疾病, 我不得不佩服他的勇氣,

這些日子以來, 我總是感覺很失落, 好像有什麼事要發生,

原來是爸爸病了! 七十年來生了一場大病, 痛苦的指數之高, 難以用語言形容,

未來還有長遠的路要走, 希望爸爸可以繼續陪伴著我!


來信接悉 這次爸爸病痛 實在是七十年來第一次生病住院

痛苦指數之高 無法形容 意志不堅者 精神恐崩潰 蛋皇天

憐憫九月十四日出院已ㄧ星期 體力較弱 腳尚麻木正努力

運動和復健 半個月後應會正常才是 生病期間 昭衛轉述

你要出售房屋 轉行  好好研究可行性 市場需求的全面

性 必須詳細評估 商場要有興趣執行 不可單方計算 切記

爸爸雖大病一場 但已過去 放心經營你的家庭及工作 是要

 父上 105 9 20早上

Beginning of our financial crisis, early March this year I started with just a spot of red rush then turn it into urticarial vasculitis called UV. The types of rare disease that most likely inherited from my father that he died from. I start worried that I might suffer the same fate as my dad. I did not share this news with my mom back in my country as I knew that may worry her that I might be like my dad. My dad went into the hospital in Oct 2016 and less than two months due to this disease caused him many organs failure. He went into ICU and never came back. He died with painful death as he hooked up all those medical equipment. My UV was last almost 3 weeks and left me with rose mark on my right leg. Medical research shown that UV can come back any time due to stress and my trigger the first time is also stressed from our financial crisis. I am currently carried this untimely bomb and I also worried my mom and my son may lose me one day unknowingly.

However, my husband and I tried to find a way to solve our problems. He decided to start looking for a new job since March this year to help our financial difficulty. He used to work for a large A/E and Construction company and I was asking him to come to work for me. Somehow his over qualified resumes have made most hiring mangers mostly like VP concerned about if hiring him. So far the 4th months he has been looking and on and off interview and it still is the same result. Even my son is also looking for a summer job, so far he did not get any either. Both of them are actively seeking in the job market. We even tried to sell most of our staff around the house to go by till May. We were lucky that money we got from those sell did cover us till move to the new city the end of May.

After we moved to the new city it has been almost 3 weeks here and we did not sell a single item posted both in Nextdoor and Facebook. My June Bill is not yet paid included personal loan and July Bill is coming up included rent, credit card bill and other types of bill. We have no stable income for four months now. Few days ago my son gave me some cash and he said that was his saving from allowance we gave him and I accidently received a phone call from Plasma center saying my son left his cellular phone there. Then they told me that my son was their new donor and he had coming in few times for cash. After I confronted with my son that he told me, that is all he can do for us. We both hugged each other and started crying.

I never dream of I will need to write my story one day and ask to get help from others especially from strangers. After my son’s action, I deiced to put down my face issue and face my problem. Always I thought “there is a will, there is a way.” If I never give up, I will be okay. Now, I really have no way to turn to and I hope continue praying for my miracle to come. Otherwise, I don’t know how we are going to survive this coming July. My son is going back to school in August and I am not sure if financial aid could over all. Maybe go fund me is what my praying for miracle, our last HOPE. Thanks for everyone here listening my story and please find in your heart and give us some hope.

I always believe in pay it forward that I also am doing the same when I can. Helping others always making me happy! I was once able to connect people together via social or professional either I volunteered working on medical research or helping others to find a job. Now I hope if I could go through this toughest time, I promise I will do the same to reach out people in need. Thanks for your kindness for reading my story and your generosity in advance. My fate is in your hand now. If you are unable to help, please share my story to others. Greatly appreciated all of you to give me HOPE!

感謝你們給予我繼續活下去的勇氣, 謝謝你們的支持!

If you are living in US, please visit my sell item site as the followings;

This is also part of our income sources and please shares with your network.

Gofundme Fund raising for SAVE-OUR-FAMILY campaign

fundraising items detail 

@ 18 in. 20-Volt MAX Lithium-Ion Cordless Pole Hedge Trimmer with 1.5 Ah Battery and Charger Included $80

 18 in. 20-Volt MAX Lithium-Ion Cordless Pole Hedge Trimmer with 1.5 Ah Battery and Charger Included 18 in. 20-Volt MAX Lithium-Ion Cordless Pole Hedge Trimmer with 1.5 Ah Battery and Charger Included (as photo shown) $80 • Dual-action shearing blades cut branches up to 7/16 in. thick • Rust-proof fiberglass shaft allows cuts up to 10 feet high • Lightweight, easy to assemble, and easy to use with pivoting head

@ New Acura TL Genuine OEM Carpet Floor Mats Set BRAND NEW Black $80

 @ Pioneer SANSUI High end entertainment sound system $180

@ Brand New Acer 23” LED Monitor $99 (3 available)

@ Sharp 0.7-cu fMicrowave &Haier 2.65-cu ft Refrigerator $100

@ Living Room Sofa set included round table and sofa set and sofa chair $125

@ Canon Printer $75

@ General Electric Coffee Station $65

@ Genuine OEM 2013-2017 Acura RDX Rubber Mat for Cargo $100

@ New Acura RDX Genuine OEM Carpet Floor Mats Set BRAND NEW Grey $90

 @ Security Camera $170

 @ Melannco 8 piece Cube Self Set $50

@ EarthWise 18” Corded Snow Thrower $100

@ Troy-Bilt Jet Power (gas 2 cycles) $100

 @ Porter Cable Air compressor C2002 plus nail gun set $297

@ Dresser mirror $100 (2 available)

@ Snow Joe Sun Joe CJ601E 14-Amp Electric Wood Chipper/Shredder $65

 @ Hamilton Beach 25475A Breakfast Sandwich Maker $15

 @ Sansui HDLCD3250B 32" LCD TV $125

@ BOSE Wave System III with bluetooth $255

 @ Dining Room Collection $497

 @ Father and Son Violin Set with cases $1620

 @ Dunhill Millenium Two Tone Gold And Stainless Steel Date Quartz Watch $250

@ DUNHILL MENS WATCH quartz $150

@Maurice Lacroix LC1048 Moonphase Chronograph Men's Watch $648


  • Richard Wimmer
    • $25
    • 5 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $50
    • 6 mos
  • Guoyong dong
    • $250
    • 6 mos
  • Susan Mills Dean
    • $50
    • 7 mos
  • Susan Mills Dean
    • $100
    • 8 mos


Angel Rose Wu
Concord, NC

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