Jack’s Emergency Surgery
Donation protected

This is Jack my best friends Devin and Rene’s fur baby. On Sunday, Jack was rushed to the emergency vet in Madison after vomiting through the early morning. The X-rays were clear, but he had a fever and was dehydrated. They kept him overnight for more testing and observation. At this point vet bills had already reached about $2500. Today Jack started vomiting again during his examination. He was put on fentanyl for abdominal pain and hooked up to an IV for fluids and nourishment. (As he’s been unable to eat.) Finally, this afternoon a sonogram revealed Jack’s gall bladder had ruptured. He’s currently in emergency surgery. Devin and Rene’ had to pay $6200 for the surgery. That’s not including the bills that already accrued or the post op expenses. I ask that you please please donate to help with these emergency vet expenses. I can’t imagine being in this position. On top of all that Jack has a sister, Penny who is anxiously awaiting her brother’s return.
As an added incentive Devin (who is also an amazing artist) would like to enter everyone who donates into a drawing for a personalized portrait of your own fur baby. Two lucky winners will be drawn.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and thank you in advance for your donation. I will keep you updated on Jack’s condition.
8:30am, Tuesday Pupdate:
Just got off the phone with the vet and Jackie's not doing great. He's still in a lot of pain (even with a ton of pain medicine) and he is still regurgitating fluids. He won't pee outside so he's been dribbling urine. These things could be caused by the pain he's in or the medication he's on, but there's also potential for it to be caused by something else.
They want to place a nose tube to help with stomach fluid buildup and a urinary catheter to help relieve bladder pressure and help keep his incision site clean. The doctor hopes that these two things reduce his discomfort so that we can start seeing improvements.
He hasn't eaten yet either and had no interest in food.
The doctor sounded very guarded and expressed concern that he's not trending better and said that we are still in the critical 48 post op time frame.
So please keep sending my baby healing vibes. We are not out of the woods yet and these next few hours really need to show improvement.
As you can imagine, I am now incredibly nervous and anxious again. This is my baby. He is my whole heart and I need him to pull through this and be okay.
3pm, Tuesday Pupdate:
We got to visit our boy today. He was carefully walked in by two nurses who made sure all of his lines and ports and things didn't get messed up while we visited with him.
He is clearly exhausted and anxious, but he definitely lit up when he saw us and even jumped onto the couch so he could sit next to us.
The doctor said we aren't out of the woods yet, but that while she wishes he was bouncing back faster, he IS doing a little better since they added the catheter and the nose tube. It's alleviating some pressure from fluid buildup which is making him more comfortable.
So far, no sign of infection which is VERY good.
Unfortunately he's not eating and he wouldn't eat for us either. But he did try to crawl into my lap at one point and he even was giving me kisses and his paw. He wanted me to take him home. He's still got spunk and I know in my heart he wants to get better ASAP so he can be back home with all of us.
He's getting the best possible care. He'll probably have to stay there for a few more days. The doctor said he probably won't show much more improvement until tomorrow, after more rest. So please keep sending positive thoughts his way!!!!
At this point, the bill has become pretty intense. I am so grateful for CareCredit, but in truth, we are likely looking at 15k when all is said and done (possibly more, gulp). Tonight's stay already puts us at near 10k.
I absolutely hate asking, but am setting my ego aside and admitting we could use some help here since this bill was so large and unexpected. We cannot continue care until it's paid up each night.
If anyone can contribute to Jackie's care, we would be eternally grateful. Even sharing his GoFundMe page would be immensely helpful. I have donated to so many animals I didn't know before...and now I find myself in the position where I could use the help myself. No pressure if you cannot - I'm just asking because it cannot hurt to ask.
We appreciate everyone sending their well wishes, love and prayers to my boy. It means EVERYTHING to me because HE means everything to me.
I will update more when we have more news. Please keep sending him love. ♡ ♡ ♡
Organizer and beneficiary
Priscilla Peterson
Janesville, WI
Devin Schuyler