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Evans Family

Donativo protegido
On the morning of 12/13/2017, our family was faced with one of the most devastating losses that no one can imagine. Alicia Evans and her 5 year old daughter, Amani Mullen, perished in a house fire. Alicia's youngest daughter, 4 year old Layla Mullen, was also in the fire and is currently in Johns Hopkins hospital in critical condition fighting for her life. The family is in need of love and support and donations to help us get through this horrible tragedy. Our goal is to raise money to take care of burial expenses for Alicia and Amani and to help with Layla as she is still fighting. Anything you can do to help would help ease this difficult time for the family. Thank you everyone for the out pouring love and support. We greatly appreciate it.


  • Stephanie Carter
    • $25
    • 7 yrs


Angel Walker
Cockeysville, MD

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