Abaco Hurricane Relief
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Hurrican Dorian sat above the Abaco’s for almost two straight days, subjecting the islands to tornado strength winds, catastrophic flooding, and a barrage of lighting strikes. The damage is beyond imagination. Thousands of people have been displaced, lost almost everything, and are without the most basic necessities. This is why Sigma Phi Epsilon’s Florida Gamma Chapter at the University of Miami is partnering with Seahunter Boats to provide emergency relief to those in desperate need of aid. The money you donate will be used to purchase food, toiletries, and clean drinking water for Bahamians in need. Please share this campaign with your friends and family and help Sigma Phi Epsilon reach it’s donation goal!
Équipe de collecte de fonds : SigEp UMiami (4)
Danny Adams
Miami, FL
Michael Falcon
Jack VanderMolen
Team member
Felipe Sadala
Team member
Chris Hernandez
Team member